Monthly Review: March 2010

Posted March 31, 2010 by Whitney in Monthly Review / 6 Comments

Books Read
Movies Watched
  1. Book Blogger Hop
  2. Character Connection
  1. Happy 101
  2. One Lovely Blog
  3. Stylish Blogger
Currently Reading
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

6 responses to “Monthly Review: March 2010

  1. Awesome! I wish I had this much time but just switched jobs and I am barely getting any time…good luck…may you read many many many more books this year 🙂

  2. Which version of Jane Eyre did you watch? Did you like it? I want to read the book and see the movie for C.B. James' challenge, but I don't know what movie to get.

  3. Vaishnavi — Thanks, I hope between jobs you find the time to read many more books this year too!

    Carin — I watched the 1940s version of Jane Eyre, Orson Welles makes a great Mr. Rochester.

    Cleverly Inked — I'd recommend Gone with the Wind, despite its size its a fantastic read.

  4. i never thought of posting the films i watch during a month but now that i've joined netflix, i may have to reconsider. i love your wrap-up–so tidy! march was a great month for you.
    continued happy reading!

    nat @book, line, and sinker

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