Mini Bloggiesta has started and as you can see by the button runs the entire weekend! Bloggiesta is a great time to scrutinize my blog and fix/update/improve all the little (or not so little) nuances.
Below is my honey-do list.
Back-up BlogUpdate Linkedin profile and add social media iconJoin Book Blogging Community and make social icon for itAdd “popular posts” widget- Update reviews with book/publisher information
- Write reviews
Fill in January “monthly review” postFill in this week’s Sunday Post and prep future posts- Prep Book Reviews
Compile list of books for Winter’s Respite Read-A-Thonparticipate in one mini-challengesOrganize Photobucket downloads into albums- Organize Goodreads Shelves
Update Book Review Page- Add tags to review of publishing house (Simon and Schuster, Random House etc)
- Comment, Comment, Comment
Mini-Challenge: Facing Your Edelweiss Fears hosted by River City Reading
I’ve been so intimidated by Edelweiss and Shannon’s helpful tips made it so easy! I also requested my first book via the site, Jane Austen’s First Love.
And now I have a question, I have debated and debated about joining Twitter. Is it necessary? The concept feels a little TMI and upon looking at the site has left me scratching my head. Honestly, like the Sears Tower becoming the Willis Tower I’m still getting use to the “pound button” becoming a “hashtag” maybe my lack of a smart phone has made me resistant.
Do any of you tweet and if so, what do you think about it?
I would 100% recommend Twitter. It does take some time to get used to, but I'd be more than willing to help you navigate and it's such a great tool once you have it down. A huge, huge, huge portion of my traffic comes from Twitter, you can use it to stay in touch with other bloggers, publishers and authors. I can hardly imagine what it would be like to blog without it.
Thanks for your input, I think I may just do that. I may take you up on the helping hand too — that is so nice of you!
I'm still quite new to the book blogging world, but I read somewhere that Twitter is a must. Needed my teenage children to show me how to use it, and I'm still learning and think I might not be utilising as much as I should, so far I just 'tweet' every time I update my blog.
Good job so far on your goals!! I have been working on mine a lot this weekend. What I think about twitter…. hum. I had twitter before I started blogging so I use it a lot for news. When I started book blogging I did find it a good way to talk to authors and other bloggers. Sometimes I just want to ask a fellow blogger a quick question or comment and I do that real quick through twitter. I don't use it like some people… posting every one of my posts on there (I don't think that brings traffic), but I do think it's worth it.