June has come to a close, we’ve made it half way through the year and what have I accomplished? I’ll be doing so with this fun meme I found at Stuck in a Book
Number of Books Read
Number of Books Bought
5 (incredible huh?)
Number of Books from Library
Fiction/Non-Fiction Ratio
30 fiction 3 non-fiction
Male/Female Authors
6 male 27 female
Biggest turn-around in opinion
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Oldest book read
Cheri by Colette (1920)
Newest book read
The Silent Wife by A.S.A. Harrison (June 25, 2013)
Shortest title
Cheri by Colette
Longest title:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
Books in translation
Most books by one author
Tie: J.K. Rowling & Laura Ingalls Wilder
Place names in book titles
Little House on the Prairie, By the Banks of Plum Creek, On the Shores of Silver Lake (all by Laura Ingalls Wilder)
Animals in book titles
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris
Colors in book titles
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer, Snow White by Brothers Grimm,
Strange things that happened in the books I read:
a cyborg is princess (Cinder) Grandma is eaten by wolves (Scarlet) man in a mirror is a daddy (Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem) young women get their right hands cut off and are left in milk cartons. (The One I Left Behind) a typist is in a mental institution (The Other Typist) A family defects to Russia (You Are One of Them)
33? Nice. I'm so slow this year.
Thanks, they've all been on the smaller side, no chunksters yet in 2013. Besides, I think you've had a busier year than me, I honestly don't know where you find the time to keep your wonderful blog continuously updated. Kudos to you Juju!