by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Published by HarperTrophy
Publication Date January 1st 2007
Source: Library
Genres: Young Adult
The long winter is finally over, and with spring comes a new job for Laura, town parties, and more time to spend with Almanzo Wilder. Laura also tries to help Pa and Ma save money for Mary to go to college.
First Impressions
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder is another wonderful installment to the Little House books. I once again looked forward to reading of Laura as she grows up. This addition to the series was very reminiscent for me. However, it was not because of my reading it as a child. Out of all the Little House books it reminded me most of the tv series. Yes I know that may sound bad but I loved watching Lindsay Sidney Greenbush tumbling down the hill.
Impressions While Reading
I loved the return of Nellie Olsen, the introduction of Eliza Jane Wilder and of course a peek at Laura’s future husband Almanzo. Also, I have always enjoyed seeing Laura at school. It breaks up the monotony of churning butter and enjoy the interaction with persons outside of the Ingalls Family. Lastly, I liked seeing the town grow and seeing the progression that was taking place. Laura and Pa may not like the amount of people the growth brought but I found it fascinating.
Final Impressions
Little Town on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder was a pleasure to read. It brought back memories for me and like the other Little House books, the descriptions were colorful and easy to imagine. It was yet another fabulous story and continuation of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s life.
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