It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey to recount what has been read the previous week and what you plan to read this week.
Books Read:
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling
The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander
Currently Reading:
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Up Next:
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
I can't wait to get to your point in the HP series! 3 down, 4 to go for me. Have a great reading week with HP
Yay for Harry Potter week!
Havea great week.
I have often thought of re-reading the Harry Potter series but, when I look at the sheer size of the stack, I'm daunted. My Monday Report is here. Have a great week!
I know so many people who are rereading Harry Potter right now!
Here is my Monday Post.
I love the Harry potter series! I wish i could go back and read them for the first time again!
You can't go wrong with Harry! Enjoy!
I am one of the few who has not read one Harry Potter story. My kids have read them all and they are all on our keeper shelves but I just haven't been drawn to them
Enjoy your books. I celebrated 24 years of keeping a book diary. The flu kept me from reading at my usually insane pace but I did finish some books. Come see what they were.
I have been wanting to re-read the Harry Potter series because I can't remember the details and the next movie is almost here. Enjoy!
Hooray for reading HP! I'm counting down the days until the final film. I should probably re-read the last book. Thanks for reminding me!
Have a great week
I really want to go back and read all of the Harry Potter books again!
HP all in a row? You are braver than I am! I always need a break between series books or else I get sick of the characters.