by Gayle Forman
Published by Speak
Publication Date April 2, 2009
Genres: Young Adult
A critically acclaimed novel that will change the way you look at life, love, and family.
In the blink of an eye everything changes. Seventeen year-old Mia has no memory of the accident; she can only recall what happened afterwards, watching her own damaged body being taken from the wreck. Little by little she struggles to put together the pieces- to figure out what she has lost, what she has left, and the very difficult choice she must make. Heartwrenchingly beautiful, Mia's story will stay with you for a long, long time.
Fond Of
- Despite having an idea of the plot of If I Stay by Gayle Forman I found myself holding my breath while I was awaiting the news of Mia’s family. Forman drew me completely in and engulfed myself in the story.
Not Fond Of
- The romance between Adam and her boyfriends was Nicholas Sparks cheesy and the “distraction” of Adam’s music connection, so he could see Mia in her hospital room, was just stupid. To be honest, I could have done without the boyfriend.
Final Thoughts
While I will admit I don’t read many young adult novels at first glance If I Stay seemed typical of that genre. While I did find this to be true the novel was still captivating and could see myself reading the next in this series if only for a guilty pleasure.
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