by J.K. Rowling
Published by Arthur A. Levine
Publication Date June 21, 2003
Source: Bought
Genres: Fantasy
Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on. However, what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected...
Suspense, secrets and thrilling action from the pen of J.K. Rowling ensure an electrifying adventure that is impossible to put down.
I have a whole new appreciation for this book and another reason to loath Dolores Umbridge — Dolores Umbridge is Sarah Palin! The similarities are glaringly obvious.
I shall start at the beginning with her being McCain/Fudge’s right-hand man {or women}. Both where not well-known outside of their community before being promoted to a higher position with each quickly becoming accustom to their new height of power and in turn becoming a “maverick” duo. Next, is the consist need for reform, Umbridge with what seemed like a never-ending stream of decrees and Palin’s reform all across the board. Thirdly, is their uncanny likeness in appearance, each having a simpering smile and Sarah Palin wore a very similar suit in her Katie Couric interview that Dolores Umbridge dawns in the film. Again, there is the issue of banning books, Sarah Palin reportedly tried to ban numerous books from the Wasilla library and ironically Harry Potter was on the list; where as Dolores Umbridge banned the more advanced Defense Against the Dark Arts textbooks downgrading to a “safer” form of learning. Lastly is that horrible little “hem hem” quoted throughout the Order of the Phoenix signaling who ever is speaking at the present time should quit as she has far more interesting and important things to say, this relates to Sarah Palin as a myriad of people have been quoted as say that she expected to give a speech after losing the presidential election. There are so many comparisons, how could I not have noticed before?
Ahh, yes. Umbridge. Such a thoroughly and wonderfully loathsome character. She was by far scarier to me than Voldemort himself. Still, it's a good lesson for Harry to learn than not all Death Eaters are evil, and not all evil people are Death Eaters.
Well said. I also felt the Umbridge didn't have to work as hard to gain power as Voldermort did.
That's so funny! I haven't gotten to that point in the series where we are introduced to Prof. Umbridge yet but I'll be on the lookout for more similarities. So…does she also hunt deer?
No, nor does she pardon a turkey. But she is chased by centaurs, does that count?
Ha Ha! I totally see it. Although Sarah's not bright enough to be that evil.
New follower. Thanks for dropping by the Friday Follow last week.
LOL brilliant!
Alison– You're right, Palin would need someone to tell her to be that evil. She's probably not bright enough to come up with it on her own. Although Michele Bachmann may be able to.
Sarah– Thanks! Those were the two words that crossed my mind when I realized it.
I really, really want to go back and read all of the Harry Potter books again!
And lol at your comparison
Whitney, this is just to let you know that many of your posts have appeared in Google Reader but the links don't work. Hope the problem resolves itself soon…
Meg– Thanks, I hope you are able to reread them soon.
Teacher/Learner– Interesting, Blogger has not been very kind to me today. I keep seeing the word "error" when I try to post. It could also be that I am scheduling posts for when I go out of town at the end of the month. But because of the "error" problem posts now rather than later, so I've had to go back and fix a few. I'm sorry if I'm clogging your Google reader