Halloween Read-A-Thon Kick Off

Posted October 15, 2010 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 2 Comments

Yesterday at midnight began the Halloween Read-A-Thon hosted by  Young Adult Books Reviewed  the objective being to read nothing but creepy halloweeny books over the weekend.  Friday – Sunday.  I actually have a garage sale going on until one so will get a late start; although I’m not complaining and still have part of today and all of the weekend to do nothing but read.

Books for the Read-A-Thon

  1. Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
  2. Suspense and Sensibility by Carrie Bebris
  3. Jezebel’s Daughter by Wilkie Collins
  4. The Abbot’s Ghost by Louisa May Alcott

2 responses to “Halloween Read-A-Thon Kick Off

  1. Suspense and Sensibility haha, that's awesome.
    Hope your garage sale goes well.
    And hey, don't forget there is over 9 prizes you can win. Check out my blog for the links.
    Have fun!

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