Earlier this year I decided to “go classic” making my blog classic literature oriented– and I failed miserably, it was like my 2011 resolution to become a vegetarian (although I no longer eat red meat due to the documentary Food Inc). Anyway, a bit off topic there but my point is that I went cold turkey and in highsight I realize I set myself up for failure, so in 2012 I’m trying again (classic lit not vegetarianism).
While I love all genres I have always been drawn to 18th century writings I’m not sure why, perhaps Jane Austen and the Bronte sisters speak to me or I am just an olde soul. In any event, starting January 1st She Is Too Fond Of Books will be turning a new page and focusing on classic literature (the amount of times I’ve said those words is like Herman Cain promoting his 999 plan). But this is my plan for the new year, my resolution if you will, I am still working out the “kinks” such as writing a monthly post on any current books I’ve read or a meme on a novel I deem as a modern classic. Only the new year will tell. Until that time I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Good luck on "going classic". I will be looking forward to reading your posts throughout the year. Merry Christmas!
Sense & Sensibility is a great classic to kick off this New Year's resolution. Hope you love it as much as I did
And be sure to watch the Emma Thompson movie–it's fabulous!
Merry Christmas!!
Happy to hear it- Good luck, I will be stopping in.
Good luck with the classics! While I have only discovered your beautiful blog today, I would love it even more if you focused a little more on the old, scary books
There are not many good classics blogs, so I will selfishly always be here to encourage you!
Oh! I hope you're enjoying Sense & Sensibility!! I read it for the first time this year and ADORED it.
I love that you're gravitating to the classics. I'll be following your progress.
Whichever turn your blog takes, I know I'll enjoy your writing as much as I have this past year. Happy Book Year!