Do you participate in readathons and/or reading challenges?
Yes, I love readathons as they always get me motivated and are a great excuse to read all day — not that I need one! As for reading challenges, I do participate in reading challenges but always fail miserably at them. However, each year I have new hope that this will be the year that I actually complete them all.

Hosted by Rose City Reader
The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane.
Hosted by Freda’s Voice
Page 56
He knew a dreadful, gut-wrenching pang for Hedwig as it exploded; the Death Eater nearest it was blasted off his broom and fell out of sight; his companion fell back and vanished.

by J.K. Rowling
Pages: 784
Published by Arthur A. Levine Books
Publication Date July 21st 2007
It's no longer safe for Harry at Hogwarts, so he and his best friends, Ron and Hermione, are on the run. Professor Dumbledore has given them clues about what they need to do to defeat the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort, once and for all, but it's up to them to figure out what these hints and suggestions really mean.
Their cross-country odyssey has them searching desperately for the answers, while evading capture or death at every turn. At the same time, their friendship, fortitude, and sense of right and wrong are tested in ways they never could have imagined.
The ultimate battle between good and evil that closes out this final chapter of the epic series takes place where Harry's Wizarding life began: at Hogwarts. The satisfying conclusion offers shocking last-minute twists, incredible acts of courage, powerful new forms of magic, and the resolution of many mysteries.
Above all, this intense, cathartic book serves as a clear statement of the message at the heart of the Harry Potter series: that choice matters much more than destiny, and that love will always triumph over death.
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Do you have a favorite readathon?
Good luck with your current challenges. I don’t really do many myself.
I have so much love for the Harry Potter world.
There are so many reading challenges out there that I want to take part in–more than I can possibly manage given the slow rate I read. I do try though, at least I have in the past. I am taking a break from challenges this year.
I hope you have a great weekend!
Literary Feline recently posted…Where Is Your Bookmark? (08/11/2017)
I love that opening line from HP. Deathly Hallows is my favorite HP book.
Chrissy recently posted…Summer Reading Challenge 2017: Hello, Sunshine by Laura Dave (Chrissy’s review)