Hosted by Rose City Reader
Rome, September, A.D. 81I opened my wrist with one firm stroke of the knife, watching with interest as the blood leaped out of the vein. My wrists were latticed with knife scars, but I still found the sight of my blood fascinating.
Hosted by Freda’s Voice
Page 56
His name was sweet in her mouth. She leaned over his shoulder, her work-hardened hand gentle as she readjusted his grip. He felt her breath whispering on the back of his neck, the plaited ends of her hair caressing his bare arm.
My Thoughts
I’m not sure what to think but I’m definitely intrigued. I’m just starting Mistress of Rome which is my first novel by Kate Quinn and I’m looking forward to reading more.

by Kate Quinn
Passion. Treachery. Murder... A heart-stopping epic about a Jewish slave girl and Rome's greatest gladiator, who become involved in a plot to assassinate an emperor
Orphaned by Rome's savage legions, Thea, a slave girl from Judaea, has learned what it takes to survive. She knows only violence until a chance meeting with gladiator Arius offers a shred of tenderness. But their bond is severed when Thea is sold again, condemned to rot in squalor. Years later, a singer known as Athena betrays no hint of her troubled past. Catching the eye of the Emperor himself, she is swept into a world of decadence and depravity. But although Domitian fears betrayal from every side, he is unaware that the greatest threat lies next to him - a slave girl who has come to be called the Mistress of Rome...
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I hope you’re enjoying Mistress of Rome, Kate Quinn has been on my TBR pile for years. i love historical fiction set in this period.
Kate Quinn has been on my must-read pile for a while too. I typically read historical fiction set in Ancient Egypt so this is a bit of a departure for me, but I am looking forward to a change in scenery
I haven’t read anything by Kate Quinn before so I’m not sure about this one, but I hope you enjoy it.

Breana M, recently posted…The Friday 56 (88) & Book Beginnings: A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
Thank you Breana. I have heard nothing but positive remarks for Kate Quinn around the blogosphere and am looking forward to diving in.
Okay, I need this book. Ancient Greek and Roman settings are my absolute jam and I am SO intrigued by the premise. I hope you like it!
Jordan recently posted…Author Guest Post: Airwoman by Zara Quentin
It is an interesting era isn’t it? I hope you do get the chance to read Mistress of Rome.
This sounds like an epic story, which I adore. The A.D. 81 time frame is appealing to me too. I’m curious about this book.
My Friday post features BEYOND THE ASHES.
Mistress of Rome certainly has the potential to be epic and I have to agree, the time frame makes the story interesting as well. Thank you for stopping by.
Gorgeous cover and intriguing excerpts. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.
Yes, I love the cover, it was part of the reason why I picked the book up. Thanks for stopping by!
Looks like an interesting book! Love the cover. I love a good Historical Fiction novel, look forward to hearing your thoughts. Hope you enjoy it.
Lampshade Reader recently posted…ARC Review: A Ghostly Reunion by Tonya Kappes
I’m about 60 pages in so far and it is great, the cover is what first drew me to Mistress of Rome and I’m happy that the story is backing it up.
Sounds like it’s beautifully written. You have me interested.

Happy weekend!
Freda recently posted…The Friday 56 (With Instagram 56 & Book Beginnings)
The writing is beautiful and has a very interesting story too.
Hmm, sounds like it could be good. Happy reading.
Lauren @ Always Me
Knock on wood, but thus far it is fantastic!