Q: Are there any book to movie adaptations where you think the movie is better than the book?
A: I can not think of a single one. If I had to choose I’d probably say The Wizard of Oz as it held my attention more than the book.
There are also several who are on equal level to their book counterparts, which are Gone with the Wind, Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. All of these transported me into their world just as I had imagined it.

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
A: Do you accept books for review from publishers or do you accept book review requests from authors as well?
Q: Both, I don’t think one should discriminate solely because you weren’t contacted by Simon and Schuster. Although, I don’t except books that are not to my interest or will never read. In short, I try to stay away from the green-eyed monster.
I'm not certain I can agree with the Harry Potter movies being on par with the books, however I can agree that the Lord of the Rings movies did justice to the books very well.
Happy #FF!
The sixth Harry Potter movie is questionable, but the characters themselves were just as I pictured them.
Hopping through. I first saw The Wizard of Oz when I was about 5. It scared me so much that I could never watch it all the way through again. Same with ET – when I was about 5. That scared me so much (when the government comes to get ET near the end), that I have never even watched any part of that movie again.
Funny enough, The Little Mermaid scared me more than The Wizard of Oz, Ursula is scary. My mom on the other hand was so scared by the flying monkeys that she had to leave the room.
My Book Blogger Hop answer will be up tomorrow along with a giveaway on my blog. My answer to this week's question is similar to yours.
Here is the link if you want to enter the giveaway tonight.
Giveaway Link: http://silversolara.blogspot.com/2013/11/guess-desk.html
Thanks for stopping by and commenting on Bellman & Black.
ENJOY your Friday.
Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth, I'll check out your Book Blogger Hop answer tomorrow.
I agree with Lord of the Rings. I loved both the books and the movies equally. I had a hard time thinking of one that was better than the book though. Old follower. My FF
I saw the LOTR movies before I read the books but couldn't have imagined it better.
Great selections!
I thought the Harry Potter movies do a great job of bringing the books to life. Same with LOTR.. Hobbit, not so much!
I thought The Hobbit was a lot of set-up for the movies to come and more of a "if you did read/see Lord of the Rings" I've heard the second installment is better though — fingers crossed!
The Jane Austen Book Club is one of the few I can think of where the movie outstrips the book. I mean, both are good, but TJABC is one of my favourite rainy-day movies, so… I also thought The Stepford Wives (the original 1975 movie) was more detailed and atmospheric than the book, and the film Joanna was a lot less self-righteous which helped. I think they're the only two that spring to mind though!
I've never seen or read The Jane Austen Book Club but a lot of people have told me I should read; I'll have to give it chance one day.
Hello again….Here is the link to my Book Blogger hop so you don't have to go searching.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
Thanks for the link!
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✭Jammie & Lisa♥
I haven't read the LOTR books yet but from what i've heard they are at least as good as the movie if not better, but i can't think of any that actually surpass the books.
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Sanna @Fanciful Fictions
I agree about the Lord of the Rings books but Gone with the Wing- I think the the book was better!
My FF is here.
New follower via GFC.
Interesting answers to both memes. I have a post for BBH: http://meandu-justthinking.blogspot.ca/2013/11/book-blogger-hop-111513.html
Oh Lord of the Rings. I didn't even think of that one! Loved the books and the movies. Have a great weekend!
~Pam @ Moonlight Reader
I have shamefully never read any of the books you listed but I have seen their movies. I think I will add The Wizard of Oz to my TBR pile along with all of Grimm's Fairy tales. Do you think The Wizard of Oz might be better because it has had so many more movies added to it, or just because it was written so long ago?
Old Follower.
Here's my #FF!
Melissa @Stalked! Reviews by Melissa
I agree that LOTR, HP & GWTW are all right up there with their book counterparts. LOTR & HP went a long way to curing (some) of my movie bias. I loved the Wizard of Oz book and movie growing up too. Thanks for stopping by!
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
I love the LOTRs but as I haven't read the books I couldn't count it. I think HP books outshine the movies, but I still loved the films! Great pics. New GFC follower. My F&FF.
I also chose LOTRs same as you

Although Harry Potter movies successfully recreated the magical world of Harry but the story didnt quite come upto mark with the book.. I have never seen the movie adaptation of "Gone with the wind" and "The wizard of oz"..
This is my first Friday Feature and Follow participation and I am so excited..:)
Great blog..Have followed you via GFC..:
Checkout my blog too at http://njkinny.blogspot.in
Happy #FF!
I love that movie <3 Great choice. Thanks for stopping by my FF.
The Wizard of Oz is a really interesting choice as no one could really match Garland. I was absolutely fascinated by Wicked when I saw it as they meshed in with the original so well even though it was from a different point of view.
I always make it a point that the books that I will accept will be on the genre that I love to read
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