A: What book are you embarrassed to admit you LOVED? (try to think beyond Twilight)
Q: The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, It is complete trash and a complete guilty pleasure. I love both the book and mini-series and frankly I’m not ashamed about it. Although the first time I read it was in 11th grade and my English teacher caught me reading a few pages before class. Being mildly appalled he made a few comments to the class about reading appropriate materials, knowing full well they were directed at me.

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
Q: When you are out of town, do you still participate in weekly memes or do you have your post scheduled to appear on your blog and perhaps check back? Or do you not participate at all?
A: No, I don’t participate in weekly memes such as Blog Hops and Top Ten Tuesday because it requires you to “link up” and if I’m out of town I’m not able to do that. This past August I was blogging incognito due to my brother’s wedding, to compensate for this loss I scheduled book reviews, recruited guest posts and posted a few surveys to fill the void.
I've never read it, but I get really embarrassed about book covers. Check out my FF ar http://myviewpointonbooks.blogspot.com/
New follower!
I know what you mean about book covers. Fortunately The Thorn Birds cover is pretty non-descript — nothing to be embarrassed about. On the down side a lot of people (like my teacher) already know its trashy.
I've only read the summary on Wikipedia but it's something I'd like to read one day.
My FF @ Buried Under Romance
Old follower
Also a Book Blogger Hop person 
It's an interesting family saga, and keeps me entertained. I would reccomend it to a lover of romance.
You know.. I haven't read Thorn Birds shockingly! I need to pick it up
Like I said to Mary, The Thorn Birds is one of the few romance novels that I would reccomend to someone. I think it has a little more storyline than just sex appeal.
I haven't heard of the Thorn Birds. Now I'm going to look it up. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by!
~Pam @ Moonlight Reader
Your welcome, thank you for returning the visit. I just read the description for The Thorn Birds on Goodreads and it sounds a little perverted, but I promise it is a good read.
Haven't read the book but I have seen the mini-series. I am also guilty of liking trashy, family sagas (I have a huge collection of V.C. Andrews books, even though I KNOW they're horrible!)!
New follower on Bloglovin.
My FF:
I love the mini-series or that is to say Richard Chamberlain.
I have never read V.C. Andrews but I've been seeing the series a lot on this blog hop I'll have to give them a try.
Interesting Answer.Thanks for sharing with us.
Old Follower
Cagla @Booker Like a Hooker
I love the name of your blog! Too cute. I've never heard of that book but I can't believe that the teacher did that! Reading should be encouraged no matter what it is. I picked 2 children's series for mine that I read a couple of years ago.
My Feature
New follower via Bloglovin'.
Booooo to that teacher! Who cares about reading something "appropriate"? Read what you want, even if it is a guilty pleasure!
New GFC follower
Amanda @ i solemnly swear
I haven't read it, but shame on the teacher! You were reading and that should be encouraged…what does it matter WHAT you were reading. Thanks for stopping by
Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads
Hopping through. I've never read the Thorn Birds but I've always thought of it as kind of a classic. What a jerky teacher.
I loved the Thornbirds too. One of my favorites.
Thanks for your answer…sounds similar to what I do, but I do try to participate when I am out of town.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
I can't say I've heard of this book, but I love guilty pleasure books! I read a lot of Sandra Brown's romance novels for a guilty pleasure and as I've grown up, I'm much less embarrassed about it (:
Tina @ Pages of Comfort – new follower via bloglovin
I don't schedule memes to post when I'm away either.
Here's My Post
I don't get embarrassed by the books I love, but as someone else pointed out, I do sometimes get embarrassed by the covers that are on some of them! My FFF.