Friday Memes #26

Posted May 31, 2013 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 27 Comments

Q: What blogger would you most like to meet in real life? Tell us about him or her.
A: This is a really hard question.  On my Armchair BEA self-interview I listed a few of my favorite bloggers all of whom I would love to meet because of their kindness,  and passion for reading, but if I had to pick one (or two or three) it would have to be either Felicia at The Geeky Blogger’s Book Blog and/or Michelle at The True Book Addict, and I can’t forget Juju at Tales of Whimsy.  They just rock!
Q: What is your favorite series that you’ve finished all the books (more than 3 books) to?
A:  That’s easy — Harry Potter!  I’ve read the series every year since 1997 (age 12) I’m still waiting for my acceptance letter to Hogwarts… 

Note:  With GFC soon departing like the Sound of Music’s “So Long, Farewell” I would prefer following through one of the options below.The following options are at the top of my sidebar:

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27 responses to “Friday Memes #26

  1. OH wow! This is a hard question today! I didn't see it until I stopped by your blog first. I have to think about it. Going to check out the blogs you mentioned right now!


  2. Just hopping through, Happy Friday!

    I agree about Harry Potter – you can never read it too many times! Your Hogwarts letter must have got lost in the mail like mine 😉

    New GFC, Bloglovin & Google+ Follower 🙂

    My FF

  3. Harry Potter is just so special! Whenever life really starts to drag at me, then those are the books that I turn to, so I've read them again and again. Although, I'm really starting to think my owl got lost…they must have sent Erroll! Thanks for stopping by this week!

    Traci @ Mad Hatter Reads

  4. Hey, Whitney!

    I've visited Michelle at "The True Book Addict". That's a GREAT blog! She also has another wonderful blog, titled "The Christmas Spirit", that I absolutely love!! Every year, she hosts a Christmas reading challenge, which starts right around the middle of November. I always participate, because I love to read Christmas-themed books at that time of year.

    I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Harry Potter series!! unfortunately, I haven't quite finished it because of a very sad event that takes place in the middle of book 6…When I came across THAT, I cried and cried, and just couldn't go on reading…. I did try again a few days later, but it was no use. Maybe I'll give it another go sometime this year. BTW, I'd be ECSTATIC if I were accepted at Hogwart's!!! Lol.

    Thanks for dropping by and commenting on my BBH post! Hope you have a great weekend, too!! 🙂

    • I'm so glad you like my blogs, Maria. Sadly, I've been neglecting The Christmas Spirit. I haven't posted a Rudolph day in months. =O( I'm still doing Christmas in July though and I'm contemplating a read-a-long…possibly.

      Hope you are well!

  5. Wow, Whitney! A mention from you twice in one week. I am truly honored. I would love to meet you in person too. =O)

    I haven't the pleasure of Felicia yet (makes note), but you're right…Juju is awesome. Love her!

  6. I've never read Harry Potter, my friends who've read it like to tease me because I won't read it. But it certainly is popular!

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