Q: School is out! What is your favorite Summer Reading book?
I read a big fat chunkster almost every summer, Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell, I say almost because my wrist needs time to recover. I know typically summer reading is associated with “fluff” but I just love being swept away to Atlanta or Tara and not giving a damn. Unfortunately, it’s a bit too big for my beach bag.Although, if I want something that will actually fit in my beach bag, that would have to be David Sedaris. He always has me in stitches and his book are really good reading any season.
Q: What is your guilty pleasure read?
A: I recently discovered the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I wouldn’t necessarily call them a guilty pleasure but they are completely out of my usual reading realm. Typically, I read general/classic fiction and Cinder I consider Sci-fi which most of the time I steer clear of like a smelly onion. Meyer’s novels are fun, attention holding and a unique twist on a fairy tale retold. That is why it is my guilty pleasure.Note: With GFC soon departing like the Sound of Music’s “So Long, Farewell” I would prefer following through one of the options below, but I will not chase you down with a dull butter knife if GFC is you preference.The following options are at the top of my sidebar:
A: I recently discovered the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I wouldn’t necessarily call them a guilty pleasure but they are completely out of my usual reading realm. Typically, I read general/classic fiction and Cinder I consider Sci-fi which most of the time I steer clear of like a smelly onion. Meyer’s novels are fun, attention holding and a unique twist on a fairy tale retold. That is why it is my guilty pleasure.Note: With GFC soon departing like the Sound of Music’s “So Long, Farewell” I would prefer following through one of the options below, but I will not chase you down with a dull butter knife if GFC is you preference.The following options are at the top of my sidebar:
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Lastly, I will be following all blogs via Bloglovin’
Don't worry, I like filling my head with "fluff" too.
New follower, my FFF is at http://www.yviewpointonbooks.blogspot.com
I little bit of fluff now and then is never a bad thing.
Great FF, btw I love ur blog design, so whimsy!
New GFC Follower
Danielle @ Coffee and Characters
Thank you for the complement! I love your blog's coffee theme, and is so inviting. Also, I forgot to mention that I am a new follower of Coffee and Characters.
Hopping through. Yay David Sedaris. He's hilarious. I want to read his new one.
My Hop
I just read it and it was on par hilarious! My review is going up tomorrow actually
Marissa Meyer is a great author!
She is wonderfully imaginative.
Hoping along. I have Cinder on my to read list. I enjoy as a regular diet what other readers might classify as 'guilty pleasures'. I just classify them as a pleasure!
The only thing that matters is that you enjoy reading (and talking) about it.
I have Cinder on my TBR list. I hope to read it soon.
New Bloglovin follower.
My FF @ The Creative Forum
I honestly wasn't expecting much going into Cinder but had read great reviews from fellow bloggers. It turned out to be a fantastic read, I hope you enjoy it.
David Sedaris is great and makes summer even more fun!!! Good choice!
Angela's Anxious Life
I think David Sedaris' books are great anytime of the year; but care free summers seem to up the funny factor for me.
Classics are always good!
Julianna Smith – My FFF
Yes, I love the classics and are a staple on my bookshelf.
I love how you always come back to one book in the summer. I'd really love to find a book like that one day. There are probably a few books that I wouldn't mind re-reading but there are just so many books to read! I'm a new follower.
Happy blogging,
I love rereading books, it's like reconnecting with an old friend. Although, there are so many new books I want to read I don't always make the time.
Hopping through!
New follower via Bloglovin.
My FF Friday
Bieke @ Istyria book blog
Thank you!
Great answers! I don't usually read *big* books in the Summer time. I love to read those books in Winter, curled up under a blanked and hot cup of tea!
New follower via GFC & Bloglovin.
Nina@ J'adore Happy Endings
Sometimes I wish Gone with the Wind was a little smaller, (maybe I should have bought an ebook)? but I think it is 100% worth the read.
I liked Cinder. It's not the kind I usually read too
New follower via Bloglovin & Goodreads )
My FF @ I Read, Ergo I Write
I was very skeptical going into Cinder, but I just loved it. I guess you should never judge a book by it's genre!
I have Cinder but I haven't read it yet. I really want to. I love big books but I always have a hard time starting them because of the commitment… once I start I enjoy it but sometime looking at them makes me feel tired.
I am a new bloglovin follower
The commitment to larger books can be daunting and it does take energy but I also don't think they deserve to sit on the curb.
So happy to hop around to other blogs and see what other's guilty reads are =D
I'm a new follower so i look forward to your future posts and future reviews.I hope that I can get tons of recommendations from any reviews you may write and hope i can see you hop around to one of my blogs as well. If it interests you, show your support by following =) I'm an old follower via GFC but i decided to follow by and email and bloglovin this time too! I read Cinder as well and i liked it but my only complaint is that i would have liked to see more Asian influence.Guess i'm hard to please
Your new follower,Guinevere
Wow, thank you for the many follows! A bigger Asian influence in Cinder would have been cool and an interesting futurist community.
Followed you via BlogLovin'!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
Thank you! I am following in return.
Fluff is a good thing! We all deserve a break!
New Follower via GFC
Kristen @OCA
Especially after reading Gone with the Wind. Thank you for stopping by!
Just stopping by to share some Friday blog love. Hope you have a great weekend!
Tasha @ A Trillian Books xxx
Thanks for hopping by. I hope you have a great weekend as well!
Sounds interesting. I haven't heard of this author. THANKS for sharing.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
Thanks for hopping by.
I read "Gone With The Wind" years ago. It's a page-turner, all right! I couldn't put it down, even though I hated Scarlet!
I have just discovered The Lunar Chronicles myself. This series is on a lot of blogs, with very positive reviews, so I really want to read it!
I had no idea Google was going to discontinue the GFC widget. I know they did that with non-Blogger blogs last year. So now they're going to do it with Blogger blogs, too? Hmmm. Thanks for the heads up!
Happy Reading!!
I've never been able to read Scarlet, I think Gone with the Wind has the best ending and why should you mess with perfection?
I discovered The Lunar Chronicles through blog reviews too, and lives up to the hype it had been getting. I hope you enjoy them.
GFC is to be discontinued in July (not sure when) Other than the fact that it's being disconnected, I know very little. Although, I recently joined bloglovin' in preperation.
Yikes! I wonder why Google is being so obnoxious! Although there are those who say that GFC numbers are meaningless, because there are people who simply follow you because of a giveaway, and never return. Well, I have Linky Followers. I might go ahead and join Bloglovin', though, too.
Thanks for commenting back on my blog!!
Your guess is as good as mine. I think GFC numbers do have a bragging rights aspect to them but that doesn't mean that everyone follows said blog to participate in a giveaway. It also says something when you have followers from other networks.
When I commented earlier I forgot to mention that I'm following you on bloglovin'
I'm following! I did Bloglovin'. I just got that myself.
My FF is at http://www.thebooknerd2013.blogspot.com
Thank you for the follow! Off to check out your blog now.