“Meet new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold”
I loved that song growing up and describes Crazy for Books weekly meme Book Blogger Hop perfectly. A chance to catch up on older and favorite blogs that you may be neglecting and discovering new ones in the process.
Questions of the Week:
Blog Hop: Share your favorite post from the last month and tell us why it’s close to your heart!
I’m going to split it with two separate posts from the month of May. As regular readers may have read, I took a month and a half vacation from my blog as I was getting a little tired and feeling like blogging was becoming more of a chore than enjoyment. The particular post is I’m Back it is rather short and to the point but it felt a bit liberating. That makes me sound a bit like a drama queen.
The second is Book Club Update it is more of an informative post on what my group has been reading the past several months. It may not interest many but I enjoy it as to reflect on what we have read and the general consensus of the meeting. Despite my 26 years my memory is horrible.
Welcome back!
I like what you said at the beginning about silver and gold, and tying that to the Hop — quite cool.
Hopping through…That's a great idea to choose your "I'm Back" post. I had to take some time off too over a couple of months, posting just here & there. It helped me get back on track. Have a great weekend
My Friday Hop Post
Hopping by, love your blog. I am a new follower.
It is nice to have you back blogging. Thanks for stopping by:)
have a great weekend!
I like the way you urge your readers to comment with the Austen quotation. Is it new or am I just unobservant?
I liked the two posts you chose–You have have taken a break from blogging but you're making up for it by having 4 posts in June already!
Hey, sometimes you need a break!
I'm a new follower! I found you through the hop and I'm so excited to meet another blogger who loves the classics.
-Miss GOP