It’s Friday! Time for another Book Blogger Hop hosted by Jennifer at Crazy for Books The Hop is designed to discover great book bloggers and be discovered yourself. Not only can we discover new blogs but great books to add to the ever growing wish-list. So hop on over and join the fun!
Here are the great blogs I found last week:
Hello! Coming over from the Book Blogger Hop – I love your taste! Have you read Scarlett, the Alexandra Ripley sequel to Gone with the Wind? Scarlett is my all-time favorite character, specifically in that book. If you haven't read it yet, I hope you check it out!
Just hopped by to say, hi.
Kelly Bookend Diaries
Hi Whitney, thanks so much for the mention of Tiffany's Bookshelf in your blog! I am glad you are enjoying my reviews. Feel free to make recommendations, that is my favorite part of sharing with other book bloggers!
Let's do the Hop!
My Hop is here.
Just hopping in to say hi. I am still making my rounds early this Saturday morning. Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm on the blog hop, and I've had fun looking through your site! I noticed your Cranford & Wilkie Collins challenges. Woman in White and The Moonstone are both excellent reads…so even though you only need the one book for the challenge, you should definitely read Moonstone someday if you haven't
Happy reading!
I'm hopping right now. Loved some of your choices like the Wizard of Oz and Scarlet Pimpernel.