Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read
Q: What book (or TV show or movie) have you not read that seemingly everyone else has?
A: Divergent by Veronica Roth, Or so it appears by the long wait list at the library. With the release of a movie in 2014 I have a feeling the Divergent Trilogy will be the next Hunger Games, and thus I am jumping on the band wagon.

Book Blogger Hop is hosted by Ramblings of a Coffee Addicted Writer
Q: What book gave you goose bumps?
A: The corny answer would be R.L. Stine’s Goosebump series, but that was when I was eight. I really don’t get scared by fictional thrillers/horror/mysteries because I am able to tell myself I will not encounter Jack Torrance chanting “redrum” which I only realized recently that it is murder spelled backwards. What does scare me is true crime. After I read In Cold Blood or Helter Skelter I cannot be left alone. I get chills. I am scared shitless. Yet true crime is one of my favorite genres, why I keep torchering myself is anyone’s guess.
Hopping through. I liked Insurgent although not as much as Divergent. I'm really excited for Allegiant.
New Bloglovin' follower! My FF
Haven't read that either. Probably won't cause all those dystopian books are too similar.
Happy Friday!
Aw I love the Divergent series. I'll see Veronica Roth on the 23rd on her book tour
Following via GFC. My FF @ A Novel Idea by Chrissy T
I am still holding off on Divergent – but we had the same answer for the book blogger!
Being tortured by scary books is fun :D. Have a good weekend! New follower here. My Feature & Follow Friday
Oh, I could definitely see why True Crime books would scare the heck out of you! I think I'll stay away.
Thanks for stopping by my FFF!
Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
OMG! I never thought of true crime and I agree that scares me too! The shows are a mess so the books would be even worse.
Stopping by on FF. Following you!
I can't wait to get Allegiant. I hope, when you get around to reading Divergent, you thoroughly enjoy it!
My FF- http://angelica-2009.blogspot.com/2013/10/feature-and-follow-6.html
I don't like scary books either. Historical fiction is my preferred genre.
Happy Hopping!!
Silver's Reviews
My Blog Hop Answer
I haven't read Divergent either but I am starting it today.
New bloglovin follower
I'm jumping on the bandwagon, too! Divergent looks like it could be right up my alley, so I'm going to download the books and read them soon.
My #FF
I haven't read Divergent either. I may jump on that band wagon with you if I can squeeze them into my 300 mile long TBR list!
Thanks for stopping by :0)
Linsey @ mybooksnthings.com
I can't handle scary books at all, but I understand where you're coming from with true crime! I have to limit how crime shows I watch and I only watch true crime ones quite sparingly.