“A Femme Fatale, translating to “Deadly Woman” in french, is an alluring, seductive woman whose charms ensnare her lovers in bonds of irresistible desire. Often this leads them into compromising, dangerous, and deadly situations.” ~ Wikipedia
I first discovered this class of women from 1930s and 40s film noir several years ago and was seduced by their charm and cunning minds. I then began to see them popping up in novels I read, even my favorites like Gone with the Wind and Wuthering Heights. This new weekly post is to highlight/celebrate/condemn these sultry and conniving ladies in literature.
Lydia Bennet is the youngest of the Bennet girls at the age of fifteen. She starts off as one of the silliest girls but in time grows to be one of the biggest flirts, hitting on any officer who sets foot inside the town of Merryton. Lydia is constently described as being headstrong and frivolous who goes about life as if it were one big party. Lydia also has her sister Kitty following her around where ever she may go, while setting a horrible example for a role model. Excluding her mother who says she is a free spirited girl, Lydia is an embarrassment. This doesn’t even cover her elopement (which is a civilized way of saying slept together) with Mr. George Wickham.
Your Affectionate Friend,
Lydia Bennet”
Ha, ha, love that pic! Love that book and the movie!
Great pic LOL! Lydia is brash, arrogant, annoying and one of those characters you love to hate.
The pic is hilarious! Lydia is arrogant, brash and annoying. One of those characters you love to hate.
Mrs. B.– I thought the pic best showed my reaction to Lydia's letter, no matter how many times I read P&P
Kals– Lydia and Wickham are in my top 10 characters I love to hate.
with a fantastic picture 
Awesome choice
I can't quite hate Lydia, as I blame her mother the way that she turned out to be such a twit. Wickham on the other hand….
Truly a great love-to-hate character. That moment when she tells Jane she should be the first to walk in… gag.
Juju– Not the most flattering picture is it? Then again it seems appropriate.
Felicia–It all comes down to the parenting; Lydia is a twit like her mother and Wickham has that abandonment issue…
Avid Reader– She was such a snob with the whole Jane I'm married therefore above you thing.
That is a good picture of Lydia. Having just re read P&P I can appreciate just how annoying Lydia is. She makes a great Femme Fatale I suppose, at least as much as Regency England would allow

Fun choice of Lydia for this! I wouldn't have thought of her as a femme fatale, but your argument is convincing. I would also list Mary Crawford from Mansfield Park as an Austen femme fatale!
True, I think Caroline Bingley could also be a femme fatale. The way she tries to turn Darcy's affections and win his heart is just cruel. Although, she does have a redeeming moment when she warns Elizabeth of Wickham's conduct…