Favorite Harry Potter Movie Moments

Posted November 15, 2016 by Whitney in Top Ten Tuesday / 20 Comments


Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

You’re a Wizard Harry
This is where the magic begins

Pretty much any scene with professor Lockheart

Kenneth Branagh is fantastic as Pompus Gildaroy Lockheart.

Snape filling in Prof Lupin.

“Turn to page 394 is my favorite line in all eight movies. I love Alan Rickman’s delivery of it.

Voldermort’s return to power in The Goblet of Fire

This is two-fold, first because Ralph fiennes is creepy as all get out and two because I remember the anticipation both while reading and watching this installment for the first time.

Dolores Umbridge
She is a character I love to hate and is just how I imagined her being down to her simpering hem hems.

Ron Weasley/Rupert Grints facial expressions when the ford angelica hits the whomping willow. Rupert Grint’s acting in this sence makes me smile every time — Macaulay Culkin couldn’t have done it better.

Neville Kills Nagini

Yes, his speech to Voldermort was empowering but killing Nagini with Griffindor’s sword is badass if I’m being honest it is downright sexy. Neville is the unsung hero in the series and love seeing him rise to the occasion and meet his potential.

Molly Weasley’s duel with Bellatrix Lestrange

“Not my daughter you bitch” is another awesome duel scene in Deathly Hallows Pt 2. There is nothing like a mother’s love.

Snape’s Memories

I love the great reveal of Snape’s true loyalty and is the linchpin to so many story arcs and explains so much about Snape’s demeanor and the word “Always”.

you foul loathsome evil little cockroach

I have always appreciated this scene not only because Malfoy is put in his place but because it shows that Hermione is more than just books and cleverness.



20 responses to “Favorite Harry Potter Movie Moments

    • I think I got teary-eyed the first time I saw the scene of Snape’s memories — it was so powerful! Thank you for taking the time to comment.

  1. Ohh..these are such great moments! I cried during Snape’s memories and absolutely love it when Mrs.Weasley kills Bellatrix and when Hermione punches Malfoy!! HP is the best ๐Ÿ™‚ Great take on the theme!Great list ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I got emotional just watching the clip of Snape’s memories. It explains so much in regards to his character and closes up any lingering questions.

  2. This was a fun list! It has been ages since I last watched the movies, and nearly double that since I’ve read the books. This was a lovely reminder. You’re right…Umbridge was a villain one loves to hate…exactly as she is in the books. I also enjoyed that scene with Molly and Beatrix.:D

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