by Stephenie Meyer
Published by Little Brown and Company
Publication Date August 7, 2007
Source: Bought
Genres: Paranormal
As Seattle is ravaged by a string of mysterious killings and a malicious vampire continues her quest for revenge, Bella once again finds herself surrounded by danger. In the midst of it all, she is forced to choose between her love for Edward and her friendship with Jacob - knowing that her decision has the potential to ignite the ageless struggle between vampire and werewolf. With her graduation quickly approaching, Bella has one more decision to make: life or death. But which is which?
Readers captivated by Twilight and New Moon will eagerly devour Eclipse, the much-anticipated third book in Stephenie Meyer's riveting vampire love saga.
Almost as soon as I finished Twilight, I was at Barnes and Noble yet again, to buy the next two installments of the vampire saga. I think I read New Moon in like a day and a half, although this was my least favorite of the three. Like most trilogies the second book was mostly filler, My least favorite part in the book was when Edward goes to Italy to give himself to the Volturi after believing that Bella has died; that probably does take up a good chunk of the book, but I just had difficulty getting into it. Believe it or not I actually enjoyed the scenes without Edward in them better than the ones where he makes an appearance, excluding Edward talking inside Bella’s head. I also enjoyed learning about Jacob and his “growth spurts” of becoming a werewolf. Stephenie Meyer does explain the two “monster’s” dislike for one another, such as staying on your own territory and Bella having to choose who she can be with. I thought the whole Werewolf/Vampire thing was very West Side Story minis The two gangs breaking out in song and dance.
It's been years since I've read these books.. and normally I just now avoid reviews and what not about them. But.. I enjoy your reviews so I had to check it out. The West Side Story reference is great! Love it!
Thanks, that's kind of you to say. I reread this series after the hype and realized how poorly they were written. Although despite how whinny Bella is I think this is my favorite, the character's forms (in more ways than one) were coming to fruition and still held a little promise,
i think new moon was my least favourite, with eclipse following second. i'm going to have to re-read these at some point as i haven't touched them in years!