Dewey’s Read-A-Thon Starts today and in a few minutes I’ll be hunkered down to read. Mt tea is steeping, the fire is turned on due to the chilly morning with my ass planted in a chair and of course a book at hand. I wrote of my pre-read-a-thon plans and here are my current ones:
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
- Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
- The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins
- The Bad Seed by William March
- The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
- Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Start of event questionnaire
1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today?
The Cornbelt AKA TheMidwest
2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to?
The last two books in The Hunger Games
3) Which snack are you most looking forward to?
Tea which is really a drink
4) Tell us a little something about yourself!
When I was ten I wanted to be a waitress at Ed Debevic’s
5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to?
Getting some much needed reading done duh!
Update #1
Currently Reading: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 45
Time Read: 1 Hour
Cups Of Tea: 1
Update #2
Currently Reading: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 32
Time Read: 1 Hour
Time Commenting : 20 minutes
Update #4
Currently Reading: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 211
Time Read: 5 Hours
Cups Of Tea: 1
Time Commenting: 10 Minutes
Update #5
Currently Reading: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Books Finished: Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 110
Time Read: 2 Hours
Cups Of Tea: 1
Update #6
Currently Reading: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Pages Read: 47
Time Read: 1 Hour
Good luck this read-a-thon! I'll be following you throughout the day to cheer you on.
The read-a-thon is over and I'm just getting around to commenting back. I just wanted to thank you for your cheers.
Yay Hunger Games! What fabulous 'thon books. Have a great readathon!
Thank you, I had a great time! I was so glad I picked The Hunger Games Trilogy for the read-a-thon, they are fabulous books!
ooo, Hunger Games! I should have grabbed the rest of the series.
Have a good time!
I hope you do! I loved Catching Fire as much as its predecessor and think Mockingjay is outstanding!
That seems like a fine job aspiration for a ten-year-old. I wanted to breed dachshunds. Like..full-time.
MIDWEST REPRE-SENT. And wait, where in the Midwest? I'm in Illinois.
I thoroughly approve of your list. The only reading I'm getting done today is on a train to Milwaukee (and it's obvs WiW, because SO far behind for Monday).
I thought so, being rude to so many people in one day sounded so appealing. Although, breeding dachshunds sounds very respectable too.
I am sooo far behind on WiW too, I'll be playing catch-up today.
On a side note, Illinois represent!
Yep the computer is plenty distracting. I get on every other hour for a certain amount of time. I try balancing reading with being supporting and social
I surprised myself by spending almost no time on the computer, being completely anti-social.
Great choices. Happy reading!
Thank you!
You are doing great! Hope you are enjoying Catching Fire.
Thank you! Catching Fire was awesome!
I drank a LOT OF green tea yesterday
In fact I am going to today too