Dewey’s 24 Hour Read-A-Thon starts in a few hours and like a colonoscopy it’s in need of over-night prep. I’ll be going to bed early tonight in anticipation for a long day of reading.
I have been thinking not only about my stack of books but also the rationing of caffeine. Like the proper book, caffeine is an essential part of a read-a-thon. I am a tea-addict, I find it soothing, gives me a boost and has always been an action I associate with reading in general. I figure a cup of tea spread generously throughout the day will be part of my game plan.
I have also been thinking very hard on a potential list of books. Short books are always helpful as they not only make you feel as though you’ve accomplished something but are great break-ups when you are reading a chunkster.
My List:
- The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins
- The Bad Seed by William March
- The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
- Harry Potter Series by J.K. Rowling
Yeah, during my first readathon I overdid it on the caffeine early on, and then I crashed and burned.
I think short books work best. It's nice to start and finish things so you get that sense of accomplishment, you know? I also avoid checking back every hour. I always get distracted by challenges and twitter, so I only allow myself to post every 2 or 3 hours. Keeps me sane.
Awesome picks! I was surprised by how much I loved The Woman in White, and of course The Bad Seed, both book and movie, are long time favorites of mine (and surprisingly The Bad Seed was NOT based on me). And re-reads of Chronicles of Narnia and Harry Potter are always good- I really need to re-read The House With the Clock in it's Walls by Bellairs. Maybe next readathon! Good luck tomorrow, I'll be looking for your updates!
Have an awesome time, great picks. I am doing the week long Horror read-a-thon, so passed on this one..maybe next time!
I'm off to bed now. Can't wait to start the readathon
Great list! I'm in too. Still up so 7am start time may be a deal breaker. We shall see. Have fun!
I love that Harry Potter is on your list! It is almost time for annual re-read
I really need to go back to Hogwarts!