Another completed challenge! I am on a role! I could blather on like a child taking their first poo (excuse the analogy) but instead I’ll just list the categories and reviews acquired for this challenge.
Meet the Protagonist hosted by Littlequeen Rules
1. A woman who is a mother:
Above by Isla Morley
Above by Isla Morley
2. A real life person who written into a fictional story.
Queen Elizabeth’s Daughter by Anne Clinard Barnhill
Queen Elizabeth’s Daughter by Anne Clinard Barnhill
3. A person that changes forms:
When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
4. A person who is from a country different than the one you currently live in.
The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose
The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose
5. A person who lived before WW1:
An Untitled Lady by Nicky Penttila
An Untitled Lady by Nicky Penttila
6. A person who lives by a body of water.
A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke
A Single Breath by Lucy Clarke
7. A person younger than 18.
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
8. A character that is in a book series.
The Riddle of Sphinx Island by R.T. Raichev
You go girl! I didn't sign up for any challenges this year that weren't givens for me LOL Not much of a challenge eh?