Clean Sweep ARC Challenge

Posted May 1, 2014 by Whitney in Reading Challenge / 1 Comment

Clean Sweep ARC Challenge May 2014

My arcs are stacking up again and I would love to knock out a few before I move in the middle of June.  After each Sunday Post I see Kimba advertise the Clean Sweep ARC Challenge which is hosted by herself at Caffinated Book Reviewer and Angela of Angela’s Anxious Life.  Each time I was tempted and now I’ve finally bit the bullet and joined.  
  1. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
  2. The Ghost of Mary Celeste by Valerie Martin
  3. I Always Loved You by Robin Oliveira
  4. Vienna Nocturne by Vivien Shotwell 
  5. Prayers for the Stolen by Jennifer Clement
  6. The Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh
  7. Wake by Anna Hope
  8. Bella Cora by Phillip Margulies
  9. The Wife, the Maid, and the Mistress by Ariel Lawhon
  10. Red Means Run by Brad Smith
  11. Crow’s Landing by Brad Smith
  12. Shoot the Dog by Brad Smith
  13. Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan
  14. James Clyde and the Diamonds of Oechestra by Colm McElwan
  15. What the Dog Knows by Cat Warren
  16. Lust, Money & Murder by Mike Wells
  17. Death of the Black Haired Girl by Robert Stone
  18. The Drake Equation by Heather Walsh
  19. Ember Island by Kimberley Freeman

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