On the fourth of each month Kathrine at November’s Autumn is posting a prompt for the current classic you are reading to coincide with her classics challenge.
This month’s prompt is the cover:
The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins
Level 1
What are your first impressions as you look at the cover?
I was first struck by calmness of the cover. The woman featured looks very calm but something in her expression reminds me of the day my dog died, very distressed by a saddened event that has either occurred or is just around the corner. I could compare this to watching Lucky get into the car on his way to the vet, knowing he was being “put down”.
Level 2
Does the book cover have an aspect that reflects the character, setting, or plot of the novel?
I have just started The Woman In White so it is a little difficult how it reflects the aspects listed above, although the stokes taken in the photo is reminiscent of a portrait in an art museum. I guess this could reflect on Walter Hartright’s character as he is an art teacher with our leading ladies, Laura Marian as his pupils.
Level 3
If you could have designed the book cover what would you have chosen?
While I don’t know much of the book as of yet, I am aware that is a Gothic novel. Therefore, I think I would darken the colors a bit giving a more eerie feel rather that what is currently lite and breezy.
I have the same edition.