Category: fiction to film

Fiction to Film: July 2017

Fiction to Film: July 2017

Posted July 7, 2017 by Whitney in fiction to film / 0 Comments

It seems that each year, more and more films and television shows are adapted from books and time and time again, I am drawn to them. To embrace this growing fascination I’ve decided to create a monthly post entitled Fiction to Film highlighting books that are hitting the big screen. [imdb_movie_detail title=”tt2250912″ detail=”plot”] Actors: [imdb_movie_detail […]

Fiction to Film: June 2017

Fiction to Film: June 2017

Posted June 2, 2017 by Whitney in fiction to film / 0 Comments

It seems that each year, more and more films and television shows are adapted from books and time and time again, I am drawn to them. To embrace this growing fascination I’ve decided to create a monthly post entitled Fiction to Film highlighting books that are hitting the big screen.   [imdb_movie_detail title=”tt2091256″ detail=”plot”] Actors: […]

Fiction to Film: May 2017

Fiction to Film: May 2017

Posted May 5, 2017 by Whitney in fiction to film / 0 Comments

  It seems that each year, more and more films and television shows are adapted from books and time and time again, I am drawn to them. To embrace this growing fascination I’ve decided to create a monthly post entitled Fiction to Film highlighting books that are hitting the big screen. [imdb_movie_detail title=”tt3203620″ detail=”plot”] Actors: […]

Fiction to Film: April 2016

Fiction to Film: April 2016

Posted April 14, 2017 by Whitney in fiction to film / 2 Comments

It seems that each year, more and more films and television shows are adapted from books and time and time again, I am drawn to them. To embrace this growing fascination I’ve decided to create a monthly post entitled Fiction to Film highlighting books that are hitting the big screen. [imdb_movie_detail title=”tt1212428″ detail=”plot”] Director: [imdb_movie_detail […]
