Category: books

Classic get Twilightized

Classic get Twilightized

Posted March 7, 2010 by Whitney in books / 2 Comments

Are teens just getting “too cool” to be reading the classics?  Is  that why the publishing industry is marketing Wuthering Heights in a new cover eerily similar to Twilight?  And if you look in the upper right corner, is advertised as being “Edward and Bella’s favorite book”. If these Twilight inspired covers encourage a young […]

Old Classics Are New Again

Old Classics Are New Again

Posted February 20, 2010 by Whitney in books / 2 Comments

Penguin Books with the help of designer Coralie Bickford-Smith are sprucing up literature’s great works, “ditching their stuffy dust jackets for smartly embossed canvas covers. Perfect for replacing well-thumbed favorites or creating a bookshelf piece de resistance”. I love me a good classic, and these covers are so beautiful they are something to stand back […]
