Category: books

Mark Twain is like a Furby

Mark Twain is like a Furby

Posted December 2, 2010 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

That’s right, I’m comparing the great author Mark Twain to a Furby or a least in finding his autobiography.  In the 90s when Tamagotchis and Furbys were hot it was impossible to track one down for the holiday season, finding this anticipated biography is similar to that experience. My mom, like most other people wanted […]

Book Club: Tinkers

Book Club: Tinkers

Posted November 19, 2010 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

Last night was our book club for the discussion of Tinkers.  It was a very split opinion on the book three not having read or finished, another three who detested it and two (myself included) who loved it. My mother, who didn’t finish it (she’s a very bad moderator) brought along some bad reviews via […]

Book Club And A Difficult Member

Book Club And A Difficult Member

Posted October 22, 2010 by Whitney in books / 9 Comments

I just returned from my third meeting of my newly formed book club with the pick being Angela’s Ashes and included some new and return members.  All of us liked the book but both my mom and I had previously read the book didn’t finish it this time nor found it as riveting, although is […]

Book Club: Second Meeting

Book Club: Second Meeting

Posted September 10, 2010 by Whitney in books / 6 Comments

In my last post I brought up choosing books for future meetings by assigning “homework” to it’s members and coming up with a few titles themselves.  Well, we didn’t do that, this isn’t because the meeting didn’t go well, because we did get three new members but the last three from the previous month where […]

Book Club: Choosing Books

Book Club: Choosing Books

Posted September 9, 2010 by Whitney in books / 4 Comments

Tonight is the second meeting of our book club, and depending on how it goes i.e. the turnout we’ll open for compling a list for future picks.   If all goes well at the end of the meeting we’ll give “homework” to the group by choosing  a few book ideas to bring to the next […]

Giving Up

Giving Up

Posted August 11, 2010 by Whitney in books / 12 Comments

I’m sorry Miss Du Maurier but I am giving up on you, or your novel My Cousin Rachel that is.  Please do not take offense because I loved Rebecca, but I’m only thirty some pages into “Rachel” and have been starring at the same sentence for several days.  I apologize, as it does sound like […]

Book Club: First Meeting

Book Club: First Meeting

Posted July 30, 2010 by Whitney in books / 12 Comments

Last night, I had my first book club meeting held at my town’s local coffee shop.  I guess I should start off by saying how many people took the bait and showed up, (we plastered posters everywhere so had no idea what the turn out to be).  Well, to get back on track we had […]

Book Club Update

Book Club Update

Posted April 29, 2010 by Whitney in books / 7 Comments

My mom and I went down to the coffee shop today where we wish to hold our book club, and gave a presentation to the two owners of the establishment.  Here is what we came up with: My mother was elected moderator as she is the most outspoken and able to keep discussion going.  We […]

Book Club

Book Club

Posted April 15, 2010 by Whitney in books / 15 Comments

I am in the process of putting together a “real life” book club.  I am doing it with a few girls who work at a local coffee shop and will be posting a flier and also hosting it there.  This is being done for two reasons, A, I like to read and B, it could […]

National Library Week

National Library Week

Posted April 13, 2010 by Whitney in books / 9 Comments

National Library Week is being observed April 11 -April 17 and I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to share my thoughts on my local library. I think it can be assumed that I have always loved to read and remember walking to the library when I was younger with a wagon which badly […]
