Category: books

August Reading Plans

August Reading Plans

Posted August 12, 2015 by Whitney in books / 0 Comments

I hope to start a monthly feature for reading plans I have during the coming month.  So far, despite the fact that it is Austen in August hosted by Adam at Roof Beam Reader I have been focusing on Dickens, in the form of Masterpiece Theater for which I have recently become addicted to.  I […]

My Last Trip To The Library

My Last Trip To The Library

Posted August 6, 2014 by Whitney in books / 1 Comment

I did it, my last trip to my local library before I moved.  I bypassed the new shelf, paid my fine and walked out the door.  No tears or long good-bye, as I defiantly will not miss the 40 minute walk to get there.  In other words, it is time to move on. My library card […]

Book Club: the good the bad and the fugly

Book Club: the good the bad and the fugly

Posted July 15, 2014 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

Throughout the past ten years I have jumped from book club to book club trying to find one that suits me, but to no avail.  It was pure accident that I even joined a book club.  I ran into someone I knew and they asked if I (and my mom) would like to join their […]

Book Club: The End

Book Club: The End

Posted June 1, 2012 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

Tonight was my book club meeting for William March’s The Bad Seed.  Instead of being held at the local coffee shop my mom and I decided to host it at our house with a viewing of the 1956 movie.  The meeting was to begin at 7pm it is now 8pm and the doorbell has yet […]

Book Club: A Difficult Discussion

Book Club: A Difficult Discussion

Posted April 15, 2012 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

This past Thursday was my book club meeting in which we discussed The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. This was a very difficult book to bring about talking.  Many of the members found it confusing, difficult to follow, and/or boring.  On top of that out six myself and another were the only ones who finished […]

Two Book Club Meetings

Two Book Club Meetings

Posted February 20, 2012 by Whitney in books / 4 Comments

Okay, this is not a classic post but I like recording my thoughts on my book club if only for myself.  Today I am summarizing December and January’s meeting. December Cleopatra: a biography by Stacy Schiff:  For the December meeting my mom and I offered to hold the meeting at our house as we decorate […]

I Think I Love You… David Cassidy’s Autograph

I Think I Love You… David Cassidy’s Autograph

Posted July 8, 2011 by Whitney in books / 3 Comments

Before I begin, I should start by explaining my aunt’s love for David Cassidy as a teen.  She would buy every teen beat and had a “David Cassidy Scrapbook” which she would look at every night before going to bed.  But this was in the 1970s, the era of Frank Zappa and would never admit […]

Book Club: Difference In Opinion

Book Club: Difference In Opinion

Posted July 7, 2011 by Whitney in books / 2 Comments

Our last meeting was The Phantom Tollbooth in which I was unable to attend as I was out of town.  I just got back and checked my email for the first time to discover an email from a fellow member.  She came to the meeting even though she hated the book merely out of curiosity. […]

Book Club Update

Book Club Update

Posted May 26, 2011 by Whitney in books / 2 Comments

It has been many moons since I posted about my “real life” book club and thought I’d pick it back up again, if only for my own reference as to how the group felt about said book. One Liners: January: The Devil in the Details by Jennifer Traig — We had a full attendance unfortunately, […]

Huck Finn and the “N Word”

Huck Finn and the “N Word”

Posted January 7, 2011 by Whitney in books / 6 Comments

Has anyone read or heard about publishers editing Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn by omitting the “N Word” changing the derogatory slang to Slaves?  The reason being that because the novel is on so many school’s banned books list that this change will allow more students to read it.  I understand that the saying puts us […]
