Books From the Backlog: Circus of Wonders

Posted September 5, 2024 by Whitney in Books From the Backlog / 1 Comment

Books from the Backlog is a fun way to feature some of those neglected books sitting on your bookshelf unread.  If you are anything like me, you might be surprised by some of the unread books hiding in your stacks. This meme is hosted by Carole’s Random Life in Books

On My TBR This Week

Books From the Backlog: Circus of WondersCircus of Wonders
by Elizabeth Macneal
Pages: 384
Published by Picador
Publication Date May 13, 2021

1866. In a coastal village in southern England, Nell picks violets for a living. Set apart by her community because of the birthmarks that speckle her skin, Nell’s world is her beloved brother and devotion to the sea.
But when Jasper Jupiter’s Circus of Wonders arrives in the village, Nell is kidnapped. Her father has sold her, promising Jasper Jupiter his very own leopard girl. It is the greatest betrayal of Nell's life, but as her fame grows, and she finds friendship with the other performers and Jasper’s gentle brother Toby, she begins to wonder if joining the show is the best thing that has ever happened to her.
In London, newspapers describe Nell as the eighth wonder of the world. Figurines are cast in her image, and crowds rush to watch her soar through the air. But who gets to tell Nell’s story? What happens when her fame threatens to eclipse that of the showman who bought her? And as she falls in love with Toby, can he detach himself from his past and the terrible secret that binds him to his brother?
Moving from the pleasure gardens of Victorian London to the battle-scarred plains of the Crimea, Circus of Wonders is an astonishing story about power and ownership, fame and the threat of invisibility.

Why It’s On My TBR

Even though I find circuses to be cruel I find their history of them to be fascinating. I think the plot of Circus of Wonders is very intriguing and along with a beautiful cover (yes I’m a cover snob), it has landed on my tbr pile.

One response to “Books From the Backlog: Circus of Wonders

  1. Hey Whitney,

    I have been following you for a while.
    Your book reviews are pretty inspiring. It urges a lazy reader like me to pick a book and read.
    This book seems interesting and I can add this to my booklist.


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