It has been many moons since I posted about my “real life” book club and thought I’d pick it back up again, if only for my own reference as to how the group felt about said book.
One Liners:
January: The Devil in the Details by Jennifer Traig —
We had a full attendance unfortunately, everyone except the person who chose it disliked the book. Jennifer was a little too obsessive to handle, although she did have OCD.
February: The White Masai by Corinne Hofmann —
I was the only one who disliked (or in my case hated) the selection. Unlike myself, everyone was able to get past Corinne’s foolishness and enjoy the cultural aspect of it.
March : The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer —
My mother (the moderator) and myself did not finish the novel so had another member moderate. Said member was extremely strict like a school mam and did not like straying from the questions. Needless to say she didn’t appreciate our googling what TMZ stood for. The reception of the book was lukewarm.
May: The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein —
We had a small group (and also acquired a new member) with the general agreement of liking The Art of Racing in the Rain, although there wasn’t much to talk about. I posted in my last update about a difficult member, well she returned. The owner of the coffee shop was told this in advance and decided to lock the door, pretended not to see said problem who was knocking on the door and looking through the windows. After receiving a call on her cell phone we finally had to unlock the door. She was very well behaved. Although, after the meeting I got her email again as I had “lost it” before but this time really did lose it! I left it on the table. I felt extremely guilty about locking her out so will try to remedy the mishap.
Our next meeting is in June for Norton Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth. Neither Mom or I will be there so will have to find someone to fill in.
That's unfortunate you haven't been enjoying most of your book club suggestions. Do you go ahead and read the whole novel even if you hate it? That'd be difficult for me to do, but I also wouldn't want to sit silent at the book club
Excluding Guernsey (which I really just didn't have time to finish) I have read each novel all the way through, and sometimes, like in The White Masai it is difficult to do. Although, I think even if you disliked said selection you may still have an insight into the discussion matter at hand.