Book Club: First Meeting

Posted July 30, 2010 by Whitney in books / 12 Comments

Last night, I had my first book club meeting held at my town’s local coffee shop.  I guess I should start off by saying how many people took the bait and showed up, (we plastered posters everywhere so had no idea what the turn out to be).  Well, to get back on track we had six people, three of which was one of the owners of the establishment myself and my mom (who was also the moderator).  That leaves three individuals who were wooed by our advertisements.  The age group ranged from 20-50.

The book was The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.  Two members were still reading the novel and four had completed it.  The group was literary split down the middle.  Three weren’t sure what to think and the other half enjoyed it on many different levels.

There wasn’t any awkwardness which I had been suspecting but instead had a very lively conversation, branching out from the questions to experiences in our personal life which were of relevance, not matter how small.

Overall, I think it was a modest success or a least a start and hopefully the word will spread.  Our next book is Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris.     I think he’s hilarious but he can have a sick or offensive sense of humor so I’m not sure how it will go over.

12 responses to “Book Club: First Meeting

  1. I moved to North Florida four years ago and still have yet to feel comfortable with a group of folks yet — how brave of you to organize a book club without having met any of the people prior to! I admire that immensely! It inspires me to just throw caution to the wind and organize one here, no matter what!! Good luck and keep us posted on how the meetings go!!

  2. I'm so glad it went well! I miss the days of Book Club.

    Don't be too discouraged by small numbers–sometimes people will speak up more if there aren't so many people there to drown them out.

  3. Congrats on your book club! I've been looking around for one to join without luck. The only one I know of are women who get together to have cocktails and socialize and maybe talk about the book for 10 minutes. Not my type of book club…

    I hope yours keeps going strong!

  4. The book club I joined I found on which has turned out to be awesome 🙂 I am proud of you for starting one and I think David S. is a great 2nd pick. Will definitely keep the conversation lively 🙂

  5. Coffee and a Book Chick– Thank you, I was a little nervous at first–what if no one showed up? Power to you if you start a book club, and the best part is you get a little more say when choosing books!

    Kathy– I agree, I think better discussion would come from a smaller group, but it would be nice to recruit a few more members.

    Brenna– I know exactly what you mean! I was actually in one of those for a while. This is actually the fourth club mom and I have joined, the first prayed before every meeting– not really my style the second cocktails and socializing, the third was through the library and just a little to sterile. Hm, maybe there's a common denominator…

    BookQuoter– I was in the group who loved it!

    Felicia– Thank you! I agree, good or bad Sedaris will certainly keep the meeting lively.

  6. So glad it went well and what a fantastic book to start with! I have had the hardest time with book clubs, because most of them just want to talk about their kids and such. I want to talk about that book!
    p.s. Yeah, Sedaris will keep things interesting!

  7. JoAnn– Sedaris is fantastic! I saw him speak last year and he was very funny. Although a few of Sedaris's stories fell flat because of how politically incorrect they were– the audience didn't know how to react.

    Avid Reader– Thank you, hopefully it will grow in later meetings. Sometimes groups have book club as an excuse to gab, I've been there done that, and found it most annoying.

    Nikki-ann–So far, so good. I guess I'll have to wait and see if we have an encore at the next meeting. I love The Book Thief too!

  8. Kim

    Finding or creating a mutally satisfying mix of people can be challenging. Be patient. I belong to two different groups for different reasons. Good Luck!

    I loved the Book Thief — the lyrical writing was amazing. The story was sad.

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