It’s Bloggiesta time! I missed the mini-bloggiesta in February so am super excited to be participating this weekend. Blogger recently ate my sidebar, so while I “recreated it” did do a little spring cleaning but there is still much I’d like to do!
My to do list:
- work on rating system
- write reviews for Snow in Summer and Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem
- find replacement for Google Reader debating between Feedly and Bloglovin (any advice?)
- participate in at least two mini-challenges
- clean Goodreads shelves
- update challenge page
- write wrap-up post for Young Adult, Library and Womens reading challenges
- write back-up Top Ten Tuesday posts
- back-up blog
- catch-up on commenting
Hi Whitney, I'm participating in Bloggiesta too and you've got some very productive goals. I really need to update my challenge pages, check for broken links and write some Top Ten Tuesday posts, a meme I always stalk but haven't actually gotten a post published for yet! Good luck with your goals this weekend and hope you get lots done! Here's my list if you'd like to stop by…
oh by the way, I subscribe to bloglovin and have not dealt with feedly. Good luck finding a new reader.
Great list
I hope you have a fab Bloggiesta! I love this event to bits. I need the kick in the pants, lol.
Good luck with your to-do list, it looks manageable and fun to work on! I missed the mini-Bloggiesta in February too, so I'm looking forward to a great weekend
I haven't settled yet on a new feed reader. I've been playing around with Feedly and like it so far. I've been debating using Bloglovin or The Old Reader instead, though, because it has more of a social component. I'm interested to hear what you think of them.
I keep reading others goals and realize I need to work on mine a little nit more!! Here is my Bloggiesta List!
Ooooh. Rating systems can be fun. (Or frustrating. Or a little of both.) Good luck with that!
It seems everyone is trying to figure out what feeder to use with Google Reader shutting down. I started to look into this earlier this week, and decided this weekend would be the time to do so. I hadn't heard of Bloglovin until today so I definitely need to check that one out. I started to look into Old Reader, but didn't get that far. I want something that's easy to use, but is also compatible with my iPad and Android phone if possible.
Good luck with your to-do list!
~Kristin @ Always With a Book
Good luck with your list and with finding a substitute for Google reader. I've never used it. I tried once or twice and threw up my hands! I don't enjoy reading blog posts that way.
Hope you enjoy the party!
I missed the February mini-Bloggiesta too. I haven't tackled a rating system for my blog yet. I rate books with 1-5 stars on LibraryThing, and it's hard to maintain consistency!
I really need to catch up on my comments but I hate how my blog won't work with the threaded commenting! It seems it's because I don't have a default blog design but I've seen other blogs that are designed that have threaded messaging
My Bloggiesta Goals
Have a great Bloggigesta weekend!
I looooooove Bloglovin! I categorize my blogs into different categories and you can comment inside the reader frame which is awesome!
Here is my Bloggiesta To Do List!
I absolutely recommend BlogLovin' – I heard about it from Love at First Book and mimicked her lists. It's awesome!
I hope you check out my Bloggiesta To Do List or join my mini-challenge about getting involved!
Great list! I, too, am deciding between Feedly and Bloglovin'. I haven't played around with either one enough as of yet, but I have to say I am seeing Bloglovin' EVERYWHERE, so I'm taking that as a hint, haha.
Glad to have stumbled across your blog, thanks to Bloggiesta — good luck to you!
Here is my Bloggiesta To-Do List.
Ack! I'm so sorry Blogger ate your sidebar! After reading that, I went straight to my blog and backed it up! Yikes!
You've got some great goals! I hope you get lots of them accomplished this weekend! I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like, but I'm going to keep at it until late tonight! Good luck!
Yikes is a perfect discription of my reaction upon losing my sidebar, and surprisingly I haven't backed up my blog yet! I Think I'll do that now…