Bloggiesta March 2013

Posted March 22, 2013 by Whitney in Event / 15 Comments

It’s Bloggiesta time!  I missed the mini-bloggiesta in February so am super excited to be participating this weekend.  Blogger recently ate my sidebar, so while I “recreated it” did do a little spring cleaning but there is still much I’d like to do!
My to do list:
  1. work on rating system
  2. write reviews for Snow in Summer and Snow Whyte and the Queen of Mayhem
  3. find replacement for Google Reader debating between Feedly and Bloglovin (any advice?)
  4. participate in at least two mini-challenges
  5. clean Goodreads shelves
  6. update challenge page
  7. write wrap-up post for Young Adult, Library and Womens reading challenges
  8. write back-up Top Ten Tuesday posts
  9. back-up blog
  10. catch-up on commenting

15 responses to “Bloggiesta March 2013

  1. Hi Whitney, I'm participating in Bloggiesta too and you've got some very productive goals. I really need to update my challenge pages, check for broken links and write some Top Ten Tuesday posts, a meme I always stalk but haven't actually gotten a post published for yet! Good luck with your goals this weekend and hope you get lots done! Here's my list if you'd like to stop by…

  2. Good luck with your to-do list, it looks manageable and fun to work on! I missed the mini-Bloggiesta in February too, so I'm looking forward to a great weekend 🙂

    I haven't settled yet on a new feed reader. I've been playing around with Feedly and like it so far. I've been debating using Bloglovin or The Old Reader instead, though, because it has more of a social component. I'm interested to hear what you think of them.

  3. It seems everyone is trying to figure out what feeder to use with Google Reader shutting down. I started to look into this earlier this week, and decided this weekend would be the time to do so. I hadn't heard of Bloglovin until today so I definitely need to check that one out. I started to look into Old Reader, but didn't get that far. I want something that's easy to use, but is also compatible with my iPad and Android phone if possible.

    Good luck with your to-do list!
    ~Kristin @ Always With a Book

  4. I missed the February mini-Bloggiesta too. I haven't tackled a rating system for my blog yet. I rate books with 1-5 stars on LibraryThing, and it's hard to maintain consistency!

  5. Great list! I, too, am deciding between Feedly and Bloglovin'. I haven't played around with either one enough as of yet, but I have to say I am seeing Bloglovin' EVERYWHERE, so I'm taking that as a hint, haha.

    Glad to have stumbled across your blog, thanks to Bloggiesta — good luck to you!

    Here is my Bloggiesta To-Do List.

  6. Ack! I'm so sorry Blogger ate your sidebar! After reading that, I went straight to my blog and backed it up! Yikes!

    You've got some great goals! I hope you get lots of them accomplished this weekend! I haven't gotten as much done as I'd like, but I'm going to keep at it until late tonight! Good luck!

    • Yikes is a perfect discription of my reaction upon losing my sidebar, and surprisingly I haven't backed up my blog yet! I Think I'll do that now…

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