by Jean-Marie de Beaumont
Pages: 34
Published by The Planet
Publication Date December 29, 2011
Source: Bought
Genres: Childrens
Beauty and the Beast is a traditional fairy tale. Its first published version was written by French author Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve in the middle 18th century. It was a novel-length story intended for adult readers and addressing the issues of the marriage system of the day in which women had no right to choose their husband or to refuse to marry.
Why I Read It
After watching Jean Cocteau’s Beauty and the Beast I was inspired to read Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont’s fairy tale of which it was based on.
Impressions While Reading
Beaty and the Beast is a lovely fairy tale and while it has the storyline we all know and love is still quite different; with alterations of the ending having magic exceeding that of which is usually associated with the tale.
Final Impressions
Jeanne Marie Le Prince de Beaumont’s enchanting story is eerily and dare I say it? Beautiful.
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