by Stephen King
Narrator: Sissy Spacek
Published by Random House Audio
Publication Date August 7, 2012
An unpopular teenage girl whose mother is a religious fanatic is tormented and teased to the breaking point by her more popular schoolmates and uses her hidden telekinetic powers to inflict a terrifying revenge.
Goodreads Progress

Bullet Point Review
- Carrie is Mean Girls on crack. It is a story about bullying and quite frankly, a lot of problems could have been solved if they broke the prom crown in half and shared like Cady Heron.
- Carrie is eerie and creepy and the perfect way to start October. Even though I knew the premise of the story, it didn’t matter because the journey was just too good.
- At the risk of making my Stephen King reviews sound repetitive, Stephen King really is the king of horror and has a wonderful way with words making every sentence a treat.
- Considering Sissy Spacek played the leading lady of the novel, having her narrate Miss White’s story only enhanced the storytelling adding a new dimension to the novel.
- However, after Sissy Carrie kills all her little classmates the book dragged a bit. I wanted to skip to the end and learn of Carrie’s inevitable fate but unfortunately, I had to wade through some blood and gunk to get there.
- Overall, Carrie is more than just pig’s blood and is definitely worth the read.
I’ve seen the movie, but not read the book. The movie was creepy enough! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.