Last year I gazed longingly at blogs participating in Armchair BEA. My family usually goes out of town during that week and I’m unavailable to participate (boo hoo, I’m on vacation). This year, due to other commitments we will be staying home and after realizing the dates are finally aligned, I signed up for Armchair BEA.
“Armchair BEA is an online conference that runs in conjunction with Book Expo America in New York City. There are a large number of people around the world that are not able to join in the literary celebrations in the Big Apple, so Armchair BEA brings the celebration to you by allowing networking among other book bloggers, authors, and publishers as well as special coverage of the event, all from the comfort of your own comfy armchair.”
This year, the dates for this event are May 28 – June 2
I’m a very quite stay to the back of the room, listener not a talker so I’m very excited to be joining this year, particularly because I’m a faster typist than I am a talker. Thus, here I am typing away my excitement!
This will be the first time I'm participating in Armchair BEA to! I think it will be crazy (and crazy fun) so I hope I can keep up with all the events.
I signed up too.. it is my second year participating though the first year was 2011 and I had just started blogging so I don't even remember it!
I am not going to participate this year
First time in forever that I haven't! I am going to be following along though 
Alrighty, well…I have officially signed up for this!! I'm kind of really excited about it, actually. Looking forward to stopping by your posts next week! Thanks for telling me about it
I signed up, too – it's my 2nd year participating. It's so much fun!!!
~Kristin @ Always With a Book