All About Austen: Challenge Sign-Ups

Posted December 4, 2016 by Whitney in All About Austen / 61 Comments


Jane Austen is by far my favorite author.  I never miss the opportunity to read, watch or talk anything Jane Austen.  For 2017 I’ve decided to host a Jane Austen Reading Challenge.  All About Austen is just as it sounds, this is all about Jane Austen.


  • The Challenge runs from January 1 – December 31, 2017 (although you can sign up any time).
  • Anything inspired by the author counts (film adaptations, spin-offs and of course the originals)
  • Overlaps with other challenges are fine.
  • You do not need a blog to participate.
  • I will also have a monthly post to link to all reviews.



  • Austen Adventurer — read/watch 3 items
  • Austen Aficionado — read/watch 6 items
  • Austen Addict — read/watch 12 items



If anyone is interested sign up in the comments!

First Impressions Reviews

61 responses to “All About Austen: Challenge Sign-Ups

  1. You’re killing me! I love Austen. I am trying to be careful with taking on too many challenges. I haven’t decided what I will be signing up for, but I already have so many possibilities that I will have to eliminate a bunch.
    I will get this added to the challenge list and help get the word out. It looks like a great challenge, Whitney.
    Toady recently posted…B.B. Weekly No. 7My Profile

    • I know the feeling, fortunately I have several Austen or Austen inspired novels on my to-read list already so I’m looking at it as a win/win. Also, thank you for pointing me in the direction of Girl With Her Head in a Book — I love discovering new blogs!

    • I’m so excited that you’re going to give Jane Austen a try in 2017 — I think you’ll love her. Thank you for joining the challenge.

  2. Debbie B.

    Well, I’m a card-carrying Austen Addict, so this challenge is right up my alley, Whitney. I’ve been reading all the Jane Austen Fan Fiction I can get my hands on for the past few years. I’m in the GoodReads group that Jennifer mentioned, and a bunch of us have read well over 100 JAFF works in 2016.

  3. Sheila L. Majczan

    Well, this shouldn’t be too difficult since I read and reviewed about 275 books this year; most of which were JAFF and I am not even counting the movies I re-watched or watched for the first time, i.e., Bridget Jones’ Baby. Debbie B. – you are being modest as I know you are up there with me.

  4. Sheila L. Majczan

    I read Darcy’s Hope at Donwell Abbey today and loved it. Will post my full review tomorrow. It is the second in a series.

  5. Sheila L. Majczan

    So far I have read these JAFF books:
    1.) Darcy’s Hope at Donwell Abbey: A WWI Pride & Prejudice Variation 5 stars
    2.) Miss Bingley’s Christmas 4 stars
    3.) A Short Period of Exquisite Felicity 5 stars
    4.) Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy: Engaged at Pemberley 2 stars
    5.) Passages: A Pemberley Tale 5 stars
    6.) A Lie Universally Hidden 5 stars
    7.) Swayed Impressions 3 stars
    8.) Mr. Darcy’s Christmas 4 stars
    9.) Five Valentines 4 stars
    10.) Tempt You to Accept Me: A Pride and Prejudice Variation 3 stars
    11.) Find You in Paris 4 stars

    And again watched the 1995 movie version of P&P.

  6. Hallo, Hallo! 🙂

    I’ve decided to join you because I’ve been trying to read more Austen for the past three years! Oy. I added the books I know for sure I want to read this year, but I’ll be adding to the list as one in particular is part of a series (the one by Ms Lathan) – however, you’ll find my short list on this page. Happy to meet fellow Janeites!

  7. I’ve read – actually I have all of Jane’s books but I always love re-readiing them. Does the challenge include other author’s interpretation and furthering of the stories?

  8. I’ve read – actually I have all of Jane’s books but I always love re-readiing them. Does the challenge include other author’s interpretation and furthering of the stories? I’d love to do this challenge!

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