I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

by Elizabeth Eulberg
Pages: 231
Published by Point
Publication Date January 4th 2011
Source: Publisher
Genres: Young Adult
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single girl of high standing at Longbourn Academy must be in want of a prom date.
After winter break, the girls at the very prestigious Longbourn Academy become obsessed with the prom. Lizzie Bennet, who attends Longbourn on a scholarship, isn't interested in designer dresses and expensive shoes, but her best friend, Jane, might be - especially now that Charles Bingley is back from a semester in London.
Lizzie is happy about her friend's burgeoning romance but less than impressed by Charles's friend, Will Darcy, who's snobby and pretentious. Darcy doesn't seem to like Lizzie either, but she assumes it's because her family doesn't have money. Clearly, Will Darcy is a pompous jerk - so why does Lizzie find herself drawn to him anyway?
I consider myself to be a purest and dare I say prejudice when it comes to Jane Austen, particularly Pride and Prejudice, so when I received a copy of Elizabeth Eulberg’s Prom and Prejudice I had my reservations. Within the first chapter, Lizzie Bennet had charmed her way into my heart and her stubborn determination refused to let go. True, and undoubtedly the novel was still modernized but in a very classy way, Jane and Lydia never used the word “like” twenty times in one sentence and Will Darcy was no gangster with his pants falling down to his knees (all horrible teenage trends). To be honest, my only complaint was with George Wickham, mainly because he had been dubbed the nickname “Wick” maybe it’s the Austen snob in me, but I think Wickham rolls off the tongue nicer; nevertheless George “Wick” Wickham is a conniving vile creature that the reader loves to hate. Prom and Prejudice is a cute retelling of a timeless classic for anyone who has been through the evils of high school and the tribulation of choosing a prom dress.
Wickham is a wonderful character we all love to hate! I haven't read too many P&P adaptations lately and think I'm overdue. This sounds cute — glad you enjoyed it!