by Eummuska Orczy
Pages: 271
Published by Barnes & Noble Classic
Publication Date August 1st 2005
Source: Bought
Genres: Classic
In the year 1792, Sir Percy and Lady Marguerite Blakeney are the darlings of British society—he is known as one of the wealthiest men in England and a dimwit; she is French, a stunning former actress, and the cleverest woman in Europe—and they find themselves at the center of a deadly political intrigue. The Reign of Terror controls France, and every day aristocrats in Paris fall victim to Madame la Guillotine. Only one man can rescue them—the Scarlet Pimpernel—a master of disguises who leaves a calling card bearing only a signature red flower. As the fascinating connection between the Blakeneys and this mysterious hero is revealed, they are forced to choose between love and loyalty in order to avoid the French agent Chauvelin, who relentlessly hunts the Scarlet Pimpernel.
First Impressions
I went into The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczk knowing the identity of That damned elusive Pimpernel. While it was no surprise I was still kept on the edge of my seat.
Impressions While Reading
Baroness Orczk’s novel is at once a tale of espionage,suspense, action and even a little romance. At first I had a strong dislike Lady Marguerite Blakeney. Although it is done unknowingly, she betrays her husband for the safety of her brother. Therefore, she trades one man’s life for another. Lady Blakeney does redeem herself after realizing the true identity of the mysterious figure. I found the discovery of this information to be very cleverly executed. What ensues is quite literary a cat and mouse chase between Marguerite Blakeney and agent Chauvelinin. It is a race to capture the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel.
Final Impressions
The conclusion is exquisite, and the only negative I can say about the book is that I guessed Scarlet Pimpernel’s final disguise, but is still a phenomenal read.
Oh, I LOVE this book. The focus is always on Mr. Darcy and Mr. Rochester, but I think my young mind was forever changed by my love of Sir Percy Blakeney. The scene in the garden after the ball. . . Sigh.
Oh yes, when Sir Percy kisses the ground Marguerite St. Just walks on… Heaven!
Oh! I love this and haven't read it in such a long time. You have such good books listed on your reading list–nearly all are favorites of mine. I'm so glad I found your blog through Kim @ Queen Bee! I've become a new follower.
Oh, you just reminded me. I have this book hidden somewhere. Now, I've got to dig it up again.