I’m officially starting the 48 Hour Book Challenge! I’ll be reading from Saturday through Monday.
I debated starting last night but I was so tired from being in the sun all day during my garage sale that I just said screw it, I’ll start Saturday morning. And that’s what I’m doing. I’m starting at 7:44 Saturday morning (I am technically starting to read at 8 as I spent 15 minutes commenting). I would love it if I could finish just one book, I am a slow reader, like tortoise and the hare slow, so that would be a huge accomplishment for me.
Here’s my reading list
- The Other Typist by Suzanne Rindell (currently reading)
- Promise Not to Tell by Jennifer McMahon
- The Talented Mr. Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
- Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Good luck with your reading challenge
Hey, it doesn't matter if you are a slow reading– we just want people to BE reading. I hope that you enjoy yourself and aren't burnt from the sun at your garage sale! (I burnt just one arm last year. That was a weird tan!)
Good luck!!! I'm a slow reader too. I'm just amazed at people who can read 20+ books a month. I'm doing good to read 7 or 8, LOL.
Have fun!!!
You will love Life of Pi-read the book then see the movie.
Good luck with your reading from me, too!
Dropping by to see what you are reading. The Talented Mr. Ripley and the Life of Pi (I saw the movie) are on my TBR list.
Good luck and happy reading!
Tallulah A. @ MAD Hoydenish