Monthly Review: September 2014
Reviewed: Faithful Place by Tana French Madame Picasso by Anne Girard Broken Harbor by Tana French The Secret Place by Tana French Dear Thief by Samantha Harvey
Reviewed: Faithful Place by Tana French Madame Picasso by Anne Girard Broken Harbor by Tana French The Secret Place by Tana French Dear Thief by Samantha Harvey
Fond of: Liked that it was told anonymously Enjoyed reading the growth of our storyteller and that life goes on even after someone leaves us. Lyrical, beautiful writing Original letter format — a lost art. Not fond of: Dear Thief felt a little disjointed. it had an interesting plot but did have to go […]
The Frightfall Readathon has begun, I’ll be in Madison two days this week, picking out more faucets and other minute details for the house we are building. Fortunately, kindle does not make me carsick so hopefully I’ll be able to get some reading in during the four hours driving time (there and back again). The […]
Fond of: Not only do we get one returning character, but three. Stephen, Holly, and Frank Mackey are older and smarter than they were the last time we met. I loved seeing their development and the stubbornness all three took on. Like In The Woods, where a teen is the focus and inevitable culprit I […]
Can I say Wow? Is it too cliché to say Tana French has done it again? If it is well, I really don’t care because it is true! French has hit another ball out of the park. In the tv show Castle, the real culprit is surreptitiously brought into question and typically dismissed, only to […]
Recently I adamantly decided to go from She is too fond of books to She is too fond. I changed it because I wanted to include movie reviews and thought having “books” in the title was too defining. Well, I realized I’m vain because after fiddling around with a new banner and my mom mentioning […]
Sunday Post hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer is a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. Our home is once again another family unit of five (two […]
Bloggiesta is here once again, I really enjoy spending weekends working on my blog, espcieally the weekend of Bloggiesta, when I realize my blog to-do list is a mile long and discover new tips on improvement. To Do Participate in one mini-challenge Write review for Broken Harbor Comment Update reviews Prep Reviews Write Waiting on […]
Review: The Good: I’m typically not a romance novel kind of person, but I’ve always enjoyed reading about women behind the (fill infamous man here) perhaps I would have enjoyed People Magazine if it existed in the early 1900s. The details depicted to Picasso’s paintings were miraculous and could vividly picture them. Eva’s yellow kimono […]
I’ve been thinking about changing up my blog for a while. I started fiddling with the design and pondered. I haven’t lost interest in blogging I just needed a little spice. I started a movie blog which dropped soon after, two blogs to upkeep was one too many for me. I still watch a ton […]