2014 Winter’s Respite Read-a-Thon

Posted January 27, 2014 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 4 Comments

Winter’s Respite Read-A-Thon hosted by Michelle at The True Book Addict starts today.  My goal for this week is to read at least two books and read two hours each day.  That seems manageable to me.  I usually promise a check-in post during the read-a-thon but I need to face the music and come to terms with the fact that I never do.  Therefore I will simply do a wrap-up post at the end of the week.
I thought and thought about my tbr for the event and here is what I’ve come up with.
  1. The Riddle of Sphinx Island by R.T. Raichev
  2. The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White
  3. Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White
  4. The Collector of Dying Breaths by M.J. Rose
  5. The Grip of God by Rebecca Hazell
  6. James Clyde and the Diamonds of Orchestra by Colm McElwain
  7. Queen Elizabeth’s Daughter by Anne Clinard Barnhill 

4 responses to “2014 Winter’s Respite Read-a-Thon

  1. I'm so late! Sorry about that! Great list. It looks like you've already got one crossed off. Does that mean you finished one already? Great job!

    I see The Grip of God there. I really hope you like it. I'm on the tour too…my stop is in March so I'll be reading it soon myself.

    • Thanks, I finished my second book this morning. I was totally surprised as I am usually soooo slow.

      My stop on the tour is in March as well, I'm looking forward to reading The Grip of God soon too.

      And as a quick reply to the second comment, no I haven't gotten the tour button yet — I'm sure it will be just as pretty as your read-a-thon buttons though!

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