Month: September 2013

Review: The Letter

Review: The Letter

The Letter is a Lifetime Movie.  It has all the elements, with a battered wife, discovery of one’s past and unexpected love (not to mention a heartfelt reunion).  Kathryn Hughes’ book would be a good Saturday morning film on a rainy day.  Don’t get me wrong, I like Lifetime movies, they are my guilty pleasure, […]

Posted September 6, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment
Review: Enon

Review: Enon

I read Tinkers several years ago and loved it.  Paul Harding’s story has beautiful prose and a fascinating storyline.  Although, I believe my interest in the novel was due to the fact that its main character, George Crosby is epileptic, a subject that I am interested in. Enon is elegantly written and reread sentences due […]

Posted September 4, 2013 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments
Officially Back!

Officially Back!

I’m officially back to the blogging world!  I technically returned last week but it took several days to get my head back in place, for blog posts and the craziness of my brother’s wedding. Let’s start with my brother’s wedding shall we?  It was beautiful, there is no other way to describe it.  My brother […]

Posted September 1, 2013 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 4 Comments