Month: April 2012

Book Review: The Diary of Adam and Eve

Book Review: The Diary of Adam and Eve

Posted April 6, 2012 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

The Diary of Adam and Eve is like the book “Men are from Mars Women are from Venus”.  Adam and Eve are polar opposites with a complete misconception of what the other thinks of them (Eve especially).  Adam would prefer to be left in peace where as Eve has gone all Snow White with the […]

Monthly Reviews

Monthly Reviews

Posted April 5, 2012 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 7 Comments

After missing February’s monthly review I began to question, are posts on what I accomplished in said month really necessary?  It is time intensive linking to all reviews and bookish happenings during the month.  It may be just me but these posts can be an emotional roller coaster (of which I hate)  if I read […]

A Classic Challenge April Prompt: The Cover

A Classic Challenge April Prompt: The Cover

Posted April 4, 2012 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 1 Comment

On the fourth of each month Kathrine at November’s Autumn is posting a prompt for the current classic you are reading to coincide with her classics challenge. This month’s prompt is the cover: The Woman In White by Wilkie Collins Level 1What are your first impressions as you look at the cover? I was first struck by calmness […]
