Month: July 2011

Friday Memes #22

Friday Memes #22

Posted July 15, 2011 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 10 Comments

Crazy for Books hosts a weekly meme Book Blogger Hop  creating a chance to catch up on older and favorite blogs that you may be neglecting and discovering new ones in the process. Weekly Blog Summary: I mainly review fiction and classic literature I participated in the Once Upon A readathon and the Summer Mini-Readathon […]

Reveiw: Envy

Reveiw: Envy

Posted July 14, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

Truthfully, this book pissed me off.  I’ve never been “and they lived happily ever after” reader, in fact, I prefer they don’t as it can sometimes be too cutesy.  In Envy, evil triumphs over good and it annoyed me that the two main characters I love to hate, Penelope and Carolina somehow always manage to […]

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day Three

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day Three

Posted July 13, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 1 Comment

It’s the last day of the readathon, and to kick off today I’ll start with a recap of yesterday Stats for Day Two Currently Reading: The Borrower by Rebecca Makkai Books Read: Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen Pages Read: 160 Time Read: 4 Hours 45 Minutes Time Blogging: 50 Minutes Mini-Challenges: 2 Caffeine Intake: […]

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day Two

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day Two

Posted July 12, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 3 Comments

Yesterday was filled with reading and due to being a slow reader felt that I got quite a lot accomplished. Below are my stats from day one and my goals for today. Stats For Day One Currently Reading: Bright Young Things by Anna Godbersen Books Read: 0 Pages Read: 223 Time Read: 5 Hours 10 […]

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day One

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day One

Posted July 11, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 2 Comments

The Once Upon a Read-a-thon has begun!  The readathon lasts from 12:01 am on July 11th to 11:59 pm on July 13th and in that time the mission is to read,read,read. As far as posts go, I plan on designating one post per day.  I think that’s a bit more organized and won’t bog down […]

Summer Mini-Readathon Starting Post & Updates

Summer Mini-Readathon Starting Post & Updates

Posted July 10, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 7 Comments

Here is my start up post for the Summer Mini-Readathon  hosted by Sarah Says and because I’m an organizational freak I’ve Bullet List my game plan/book listed below. Game Plan 7:30 AM to 7:30 PM (early to bed early to rise) Use caffeine sparingly, otherwise I’ll crash and burn Find healthy snacks I usually graze […]

Review: Rumors

Review: Rumors

Posted July 9, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

I thought for this review I’d do a rundown on all the characters. Elizabeth, it appears has been inducted into Sainthood after her untimely death and because of such, keeps creeping back into dark corners. Diana is looked upon as the poor younger sister to the deceased Elizabeth Holland and has tossed in her lap […]

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Once Upon a Read-a-Thon

Posted July 9, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 1 Comment

Yes, Yes, Yes, I know I have already signed up for tomorrow’s Summer Mini-Readathon at Sarah Says  but I am extending the readathon love (because you know I can’t resist a good readathon) with the Once Upon a Read-a-Thon hosted at Pure Imagination To participate in the Once Upon a Readathon you fill out the […]

Friday Memes #21

Friday Memes #21

Posted July 8, 2011 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 2 Comments

Crazy for Books hosts a weekly meme Book Blogger Hop  creating a chance to catch up on older and favorite blogs that you may be neglecting and discovering new ones in the process. Weekly Blog Summary: I mainly review fiction and classic literature I reviewed The Luxe by Anna Godbersen this week I just returned […]

I Think I Love You… David Cassidy’s Autograph

I Think I Love You… David Cassidy’s Autograph

Posted July 8, 2011 by Whitney in books / 3 Comments

Before I begin, I should start by explaining my aunt’s love for David Cassidy as a teen.  She would buy every teen beat and had a “David Cassidy Scrapbook” which she would look at every night before going to bed.  But this was in the 1970s, the era of Frank Zappa and would never admit […]
