Month: June 2011

Book Review: The Annotated Pride and Prejudice

Book Review: The Annotated Pride and Prejudice

Posted June 5, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 5 Comments

I won’t bore you with how wonderful I think Pride and Prejudice is, or my fictional crush on Mr. Darcy, or that I want Elizabeth Bennet as my BBF.  You can read about that here Instead, I am going to discuss the Annotated part of the novel.  To be honest, I have mixed feelings about […]

Friday Memes #19

Friday Memes #19

Posted June 3, 2011 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 8 Comments

“Meet new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the other gold” I loved that song growing up and describes Crazy for Books weekly meme Book Blogger Hop perfectly.  A chance to catch up on older and favorite blogs that you may be neglecting and discovering new ones in the process. Questions of […]

Thursday Tea: Pride and Prejudice

Thursday Tea: Pride and Prejudice

Posted June 2, 2011 by Whitney in Thursday Tea / 2 Comments

Thursday Tea is a weekly meme hosted by Anastasia at Birdbrain{ed} Book Blog.  I am a majorly HUGE addict when it comes to teas, hot or cold (beverage or weather) I usually have a mug of something near by and think drinking tea while reading is the perfect combo — they are both so soothing!  […]

Review: Angela’s Ashes

Review: Angela’s Ashes

Posted June 2, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 6 Comments

Frank McCourt’s Memoir focuses on his childhood  living in Ireland during the 1930s.  His father drinks away the dole money and has Frank and his brothers swearing to die for Ireland every night, because of this, the McCourts live in poverty living on borrowed time and money and the goodness of the St. Vincent de […]

Review: Mathilda Savitch

Review: Mathilda Savitch

Posted June 1, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

The novel is well paced and Mathilda is a fun lively character, parading around the house in her dead sister’s clothes and amidst it all, dealing with the dreaded puberty.  Despite her attempts at being bad, the author, Victor Lodato, shows the innocence and naivety as 9/11 takes place during all this chaos with Mathilda […]

Monthly Review: May 2011

Monthly Review: May 2011

Posted June 1, 2011 by Whitney in Monthly Review / 2 Comments

After a break from book blogging for most of March and all of April have returned to book blogging.  Blogging had started to feel more like a chore than for sheer enjoyment so needed to clear my head and feel refreshed.  I have since done so I’m back in full force with renewed energy and […]
