Month: June 2011

Summer Mini-Readathon

Summer Mini-Readathon

Posted June 25, 2011 by Whitney in read-a-thon / 2 Comments

Just a quick notice for a readathon next month.  Sarah, at Sarah Says is hosting the Summer Mini-Readathon on July 10.  The thing I like about this challenge is that it is only for a 12 hour block and you can choose whatever time period works best for you.  I love readathons of all kinds […]

Friday Memes #20

Friday Memes #20

Posted June 17, 2011 by Whitney in Friday Memes / 14 Comments

Crazy for Books hosts a weekly meme Book Blogger Hop  creating a chance to catch up on older and favorite blogs that you may be neglecting and discovering new ones in the process. Blog Summary: I mainly review fiction and classic literature I’m currently rereading the Harry Potter series before the final film is released […]

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

Posted June 14, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

As I saw Sarah Palin in Dolores Umbridge in The Order of the Phoenix I’ve found Barack Obama as Harry Potter in The Half-Blood Prince.  Let’s start with the basics shall we?  Both Harry and Barack have been dubbed “The Chosen One” at one time or another bringing hope and the thought of change to […]

Book Review: The Kitchen Boy

Book Review: The Kitchen Boy

Posted June 10, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 4 Comments

From the beginning I knew there was a secret even deeper repressed than just the fall of the Romanovs.  His dear May had a vast collection of Fabergé  eggs an item Alexandra Fyodorovna, Tsarina collected.  The couple’s only child, a son had hemophilia, a disorder that the Tsarevich  Alexei Nikolaevich had.  And what happened to […]

Thursday Tea: The Kitchen Boy

Thursday Tea: The Kitchen Boy

Posted June 9, 2011 by Whitney in Thursday Tea / 4 Comments

Thursday Tea is a weekly meme hosted by Anastasia at Birdbrain{ed} Book Blog. The Book: The Kitchen Boy by Robert Alexander is a historical fiction of the Romanov’s last days in the Ipatiev House seen through the eyes of a kitchen boy. The Tea: Good Strong English Tea — That is seriously the name of […]

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

Posted June 7, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 10 Comments

I have a whole new appreciation for this book and another reason to loath Dolores Umbridge — Dolores Umbridge is Sarah Palin! The similarities are glaringly obvious. I shall start at the beginning with her being McCain/Fudge’s right-hand man {or women}. Both where not well-known outside of their community before being promoted to a higher […]

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?  (6/6)

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? (6/6)

Posted June 6, 2011 by Whitney in What are you reading / 6 Comments

It’s Monday, What Are You Reading?  is a weekly meme hosted by Book Journey to recount what has been read the previous week and what you plan to read this week. Books Read:    Mathilda Savitch by Victor Lodato Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt  The Annotated Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen Currently Reading: Harry Potter […]
