Month: May 2011

Review: The Phantom Tollbooth

Review: The Phantom Tollbooth

Posted May 27, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

This has been labeled as a modern classic filled with word play being compared to the likes of Alice in Wonderland and the Wizard of Oz.  I’d say this was all correct.   Milo, like Dorothy meets many strange characters on his way to Dictionopolis such as Tock, the watchdog and The Humbug, an over […]

Book Club Update

Book Club Update

Posted May 26, 2011 by Whitney in books / 2 Comments

It has been many moons since I posted about my “real life” book club and thought I’d pick it back up again, if only for my own reference as to how the group felt about said book. One Liners: January: The Devil in the Details by Jennifer Traig — We had a full attendance unfortunately, […]

Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Book Review: The Art of Racing in the Rain

Posted May 25, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

I’ve always hated books about animals — Black Beauty just wasn’t for me. Maybe it is because of this and my extremely low expectations but I actually kind of liked it. The dog was actually rather intelligent — more the Lassie type so that probably helped my disinterest in animal books as he was a […]

Review: The White Masai

Review: The White Masai

Posted May 24, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

While on Safari with her then boyfriend, Corinne Hofmann glimpses a  Samburu Warrior, Lketinga and it is love at first sight.  She drops everything in her home of Switzerland and spends the next several months stocking him around Kenya.  Despite a drastic change in living conditions and neither speaking the same language, using broken English […]

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Posted May 23, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

J.K. Rowling continues to draw toward two major themes, love and prejudice.  Love, through Harry with those surrounding him with a strong desire to protect him.  His mother giving her life to save him, Dumbledore through the stupidity of blind love consistently finds excuses to avoid telling him the true reason Voldemort attacked thirteen years […]

Jane in June 2011

Jane in June 2011

Posted May 22, 2011 by Whitney in Event / 3 Comments

By great fortune, I got back into the blogging world just in time for BookRat’s yearly Jane in June  a month long celebration to my favorite author Jane Austen and this Janeite is super excited!  Besides reviews, guest posts memes and giveaways she will also be hosting a read-along this year which happens to be […]

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Posted May 22, 2011 by Whitney in Review / 3 Comments

Part of this may have to do with Alan Rickman’s delivery of the line but my favorite quote of all the Harry Potter books/movies is spoken by Professor Snape while substituting for the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher Professor Lupin, “Turn to page 394.” on page 394 is the chapter on werewolves and […]

I’m Back

I’m Back

Posted May 22, 2011 by Whitney in Uncategorized / 4 Comments

I had quite a hiatus there.  Life got ultra busy and time just got away from me. I had also gotten a little burned out from blogging and needed a chance to revamp my engine so to speak. But I’m back with a few reviews to post.  Now that is summer approaching I’ll have plenty […]
