Month: December 2010

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Five

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Five

Posted December 20, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 1 Comment

 hosted by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked “And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.” I have decided that A Christmas Carol is like that of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.  Both are up to no good and are saved by a small child, Mr. Grinch […]

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Four

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Four

Posted December 18, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 0 Comments

 hosted by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked The last of the spirits, The Spirit of Christmas Future.  Here, the ghost shows Ebenezer what will become of him if he does not change his ways.  Ebenezer is show his death bed and grave, with his house stripped of valuables with no one to mourn his passing. I think […]

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Three

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Three

Posted December 17, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 0 Comments

hosted by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked The Second Spirit, of Christmas Present shows up on Scrooge’s bedpost and they observe his acquaintance’s (if you can call them that) Christmas Eve.  At the Cratchit’s despite their lack of funds and a disabled child they are all merry and up beat, extremely so with Tiny Tim, God blessing […]

Review: The Clue In The Old Album

Review: The Clue In The Old Album

Posted December 16, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 0 Comments

After reading this story I’ve come to the conclusion the Nancy was that generation’s Bella Swan. First, they are both from a single parent household,with the father being the primary parent. They are very trendy in their dress, Nancy in her smart dress suits and Bella in whatever fashionable outfit Alice puts on her. Ned […]

Review: The Password To Larkspur Lane

Review: The Password To Larkspur Lane

Posted December 15, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 2 Comments

Why must the yellow hardcovers be politically incorrect?   It is screamingly obvious that Carolyn Keene had no qualms about racial stereotypes, dubbing pickpockets and the like, as “ethnic and dark-skinned”.  Reading these descriptions in 2010 is such an eye-opener, when you think about now stepping on eggshells so as not to offend anyone and […]

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Two

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave Two

Posted December 13, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 2 Comments

 hosted by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked In Stave Two Scrooge encounters his first spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Past.  He is taken by a jolly over-weight being to visit several holidays of his youth, all of which are filled  with disappointment and longing.  First we see Ebenezer as a young boy who is ostracized by his […]

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave One

A Christmas Carol Read-a-Long: Stave One

Posted December 3, 2010 by Whitney in read-along / 4 Comments

 hosted by Dog-Eared & Bookmarked In Stave One We learn the character of Ebenezer Scrooge and Bob Cratchit, Scrooge being a snobby humbug well, and just a scrooge in general — he’s almost a parody of himself.  Bob is kindhearted and is willing to see the good in everyone even his employer Mr. Scrooge.  Later, […]

Mark Twain is like a Furby

Mark Twain is like a Furby

Posted December 2, 2010 by Whitney in books / 5 Comments

That’s right, I’m comparing the great author Mark Twain to a Furby or a least in finding his autobiography.  In the 90s when Tamagotchis and Furbys were hot it was impossible to track one down for the holiday season, finding this anticipated biography is similar to that experience. My mom, like most other people wanted […]

Review: The Mystery at Lilac Inn

Review: The Mystery at Lilac Inn

Posted December 1, 2010 by Whitney in Review / 1 Comment

The Mystery at Lilac Inn was a very clever book.  The suspects go way outside of the inn to actors who are only subtly mentioned before the crime, making for a very intriguing read. Nancy really begins to develop and finds and even balance character.  She becomes more resourceful in her escapes (because I have […]
